Chapter 50🦋

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   {School gives you a lesson then given a test        but in life, your given a test that teaches                                 you a lesson}                                  -TikTok-

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   {School gives you a lesson then given a test
       but in life, your given a test that teaches
                                you a lesson}

3rd person pov
Gaby should be giving birth anytime now, she's already 9 months pregnant, the doctor has told her that she will give birth this week, they just don't know what day

Gaby sat at the diner table with her friends and her future husband and her kid

She thought maybe she'll give birth tomorrow, but that's what she thought before she got up and walked towards the fridge

She opened the fridge to get a drink, Kairi got up to help her out, he grabbed her a drink but he then felt his feet get wet

He looked down confused

"Gaby you threw water on me" Kai wained to gaby, what he didn't know is that it wasn't just water but gaby water broke

"Thats- my water broke" gaby panic feeling the pain in her stomach, she slowly grabbed her stomach making sure everything's good

Mattia got out from his chair and ran towards gaby, he didn't know what to do, this was the first time he has to go through this, the last time he wasn't there

"Avani can you go get her and the baby bag" Mattia rushed gaby to the car as everyone helped him

Avani ran upstairs and get the bags and suitcases, she went back downstairs and into the car where at least some of them were going while the rest stayed home and took cared of Emanuel

Mattia drove fast to the hospital, he tired to get there as fast as possible

Once they finally got there which took like 10 minutes, they rushed gaby to the emergency room

While gaby was in the emergency room, Mattia, ale, josh, charli and avani were outside waiting in the waiting room

-20 mins later-
Gaby pov:
I was both happy and nervous, what if this doesn't go well? What if something happens?

The doctors told me I will have to wait 10 minutes in labor before they have to do anything else

All I needed right now was Mattia, I need him by my side, I need him to be with me right now

The doctor came in the room interrupting my thoughts, I looked up at her and she smiled

"Your ready!" She said, she smiled as she started getting the things ready

"I- now?" I asked her, she nodded

"Is the father here or are you doing it alone" she asked looking around

"He's here, he's outside" I smiled at her

She nodded and got up, she walked outside and with in seconds she walks back in followed by Mattia, he smiled at me and walked up to me

He hold my hands tight and kissed my forehead

"You'll do good" he said

"Ready?" The doctor asked

"Mhm" I said

"Ok, I'm gonna count to 3 and you'll push" she said and I nodded


I pushed as hard as I can, trust me I was out of breath

"Great, keep on" the doctor said, I was already sweating


I pushed again and I was in pain

"One more time, come on he's almost out" she said

"Come on baby, you can do this" Mattia said, he kissed my hand and hold it tight


All I heard was crying, I pushed and all I was now able to see was my beautiful baby boy

The doctor took it to the side and started to clean him

I was now crying, Mattia kissed my forehead

"You did it"

The docter came up to us and gave me my baby,
I hold him tight and kissed his small little head

I cried as I hold him, I then gave him to Mattia, Mattia took a seat and just looked down at him, I could see how happy he was

"What's gonna be his name" mattia looked up at me

"You can choose it" I smiled at him, Mattia looked back down at his son and placed a small kissed on his forehead

The doctor came back and asked what will be the name
"So what's the name?"

"Aidan Martin Polibio" Mattia said

I looked up at Mattia and smiled

30 mins later
Now everyone was able to come in and see Aidan, one by one they hold him, they gave me gifts for him

Then, the door went open reveling Kairi with Emanuel, I smiled as he Emanuel slowly walked up to me and Mattia

"Look buddy, this is your baby brother" Mattia bend down a little with Aidan in his hands so Emanuel can get a better look

Emanuel craved Aidan, i can't explain how happy I am right now

Aidan was now in my hands, and Mattia was carving Emanuel, he sat next to me in which we were in a circle fell with love and families and friends

This is what makes me happy, being with the ones I love and it's all thanks to my once was enemy

He makes me happy, he makes me feel love, he's the reason why I am here today

I love being in his hands

But never in life did I believe I will ever fall in love with someone like him, someone who's cruel, someone who I thought as a used, especially when he was nothing to me but my


                            THE END

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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