Chapter 47🦋

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    {Don't look back at the pass, you either       are running from it or learning from it}                                 -Gaby-

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    {Don't look back at the pass, you either
      are running from it or learning from it}

Gaby pov:
I was back home, home with my family, home where there's love and nothing can stop that

Am I going back to Hayden? I made my mind and I'm not, he sold me but I don't regret it because now I'm with my family and friends, I miss them so much

"Mama where were you for my 7 and 8th birthday?" Emanuel sat down cross from me in the kitchen diner

"I- mama was doing business, what did your dad tell you?" I asked Emanuel hoping Mattia didn't tell him I left or something

"Papa said you were coming back and you actually did" Emanuel said as he started to get up and left the table

He did all that with a little attitude

This isn't the Emanuel I raised, what did Mattia do to him?

I got up from the chair and walked to Mattia's office to confront him

I knocked on his door and waited for an answer

"Come in" I heard Mattia say and I came inside

"Babe, what happen?" He asked, Mattia got up and walked up to me and placed a small soft kiss in my cheek

"Something wrong?" He looked confused

"What have u tough Emanuel the pass years?" I crossed my answer waiting for an answer

"Nothing! Why? Don't tell me you think I made him do gang stuff?" Mattia said while laughing, I just kept a serious face to let him know I'm not joking

"Oh your being for real?" He stopped laughing and picked up my chin

"Ofc I had to teach my son how to fight, i tough him how to shoot, curse, everything, now he's just like his dad isn't he?" Mattia said as he kissed my lips

"Mattia, wtf is wrong with you, what kind of dad do u think that is" I pulled away from Mattia

"Babe, I had to teach him, he's a polibio and he has to act like one, and u weren't coming back so I though him my ways" he said coming closer to me

"I'm not your babe, and stop acting as if Emanuel needs to be exactly like you cause he doesn't" I told Mattia

"Ok I think you should just go take a rest" Mattia started to pull me closer to him but I got out his grip

"No, don't even touch me, Im going back and I'm taking Emanuel" I started walking towards the door but I felt Mattia grip and he tighten it

Mattia slammed me against the wall and grip on my throat tightly, I could feel his hot breath on me

"Your not going no where and nor is Emanuel" he whispered to my ear

"Understand princesa" he kissed me and let go of me


"What's this" I asked as I walked towards the bedroom

There were flowers on the floor, candles, and basically it was just romantic and cute

"An apologize and to let you know how much I love you, I never stopped loving you" Mattia said as he pulled me into him

"I never stopped loving you too" I kissed his lips in which led to me being on top of him

"So why don't we start all over?" He flip us over so now he was on top of me

"I wis-"

"Why not?" He started kissing down my neck Leaving heckeys

"We can have a happy family, me, you and Emanuel, unless there's something or someone else in the way" Mattia said as he looked up at me waiting for an answer

"You know what" I said looking down at Mattia

He frowned his eyes

"What?" He asked

"Let's start all over then, lets be the happy family Emanuel wants, let's be happy just like before" I smiled at Mattia and a smirk grew in his face

"Really? So do u forgive me?" He asked

"Ofc, that's the pass and we have to leave it behind, we have to move on cause we all learned from it"

That led to another and me and Mattia were um, yeah you can probably imagine what happened next

Yup I was getting that Italian dick

1 week later
In which I never went back to Hayden, as a matter of fact he never came back looking for me, weird huh yeah I said the same thing

Better for me tho

Now I was just gonna have to talk Emanuel

I walked upstairs to his room

"Emanuel? Can we have a little talk" I asked him as I sat on the side of his bed

"Yeah, what is it mama?" He got up from the floor and sat right next to me

"Do you like learning what your dad tough you?" I asked him

"Will you be mad?" He asked me

"No, if that's what you like and if that's what brings you and your dad together then I'm ok with it" I smiled at him

"Ok so yea I do like learning it, but it's because I want to be like papa mama, I want to get all the girls"

I couldn't do anything but laugh

"You think he got all the girls?" I laughed and so then followed by Emanuel

"That's what papa said" he laughed

"Ok what has he been telling you" me and Emanuel just died of laughter

"What's so funny" we heard Mattia say from the door

Me and Emanuel froze and looked at Mattia

Mattia has his arm crossed waiting for an answer, me and Emanuel looked back at each other and started laughing again

"Did u tell my son you got all the girls" I said laughing

"Oh, Shiii well yeah I kinda did" Mattia walked up to us and started to tickle Emanuel since he was still laughing

"Ok ok ok" Emanuel laughed

Mattia stopped and looked over at me, he came up to me and kissed my lips, his kisses are so soft and sweet like🥴🥴😖

Emanuel looked over at us

"What?" I asked him

"Are you guys back together?" He had a little smile on his face as me and Mattia looked at each other

"Yeah and this time forever" Mattia said

"If that's how you want to say it" I laughed as we were all in one hug

This is how I want us to be forever, as long as I have them both with me I'm ok

A/n: The Book is almost coming into an end, really love writing this book! I can't wait to write the other one, oh yeah the other one will be coming out soon I just need some ideas, and I'll try to update tomorrow because I have a meeting with the school but yeah🥰🥰

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