Chapter 5

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I am sorry for not updating on Sunday, it completely slipped my mind. The next update is on Sunday so no change in plans!


Part 2

I was quietly flipping through a book while lounging in one of the comfy chairs on the study level of the library. Not a lot of people would come here and that only boosted my likability with the area.

Maybe it was a student thing, where they didn't want to suffocate in a silent library, or maybe-

I shook my head. Whatever the case, if people started coming here I would lose my peace to think to myself as I absorbed the curriculum.

Muted footsteps climbed the stairs and made its way over to my area. I discreetly checked the clock on the wall and was impressed. "You sure cleaned it up fast, I figured you would take an extra two hours,"

"You could say I had experience." Came the short reply.


I waved him over to the empty chair across from mine. "Take a seat,"

He did so, the only sound being the second hand ticking. I didn't even look at him as I continued to read my book. "So what did you want to discuss?"

"What else other than the notes?"

What else indeed.

"Then I take it you were simply an accomplice in writing them?" I decided to sit properly and face him, eye to eye. "Yours specifically didn't really have much intent behind them."

"So you really did compile them based on handwriting," A flash of interest crossed his eyes.

"It wasn't easy," I retorted blandly. It did take me three weeks to figure them out.

A silence drew out between us. Not comfortable but not uncomfortable either.

Edgar finally leaned back and decided to steer to a different topic. "I can't cover for what Hugh has done or for His Highness' attitude towards you, so the least I can do is lend an apology."

I snorted. He thought an apology could fix this up? It would have, if it were in the beginning.

"You humour me, Sir Edgar," I gave him a ready smile. "an apology can't undo all the pranks that I have endured to this day."

Edgar's fine brows scrunched delicately. "Pranks?"

"Oh? You must not know of it then," I nodded to myself. I had an inkling before but it turns out that he really didn't know what actually went on while he was looking the other way. A shame really. "rest assured, you won't be getting the brunt end of my countermeasures seeing as you truly do not know."

"Wait, what else have they done?"

"I'm not telling."

Another silence drew between us as we stared at the other. Edgar decided to change the subject once more. "Alright, fine, you don't need to tell me, but at least tell me if you have feelings for Miss Anastasia."

"So that you could relay to His Highness of the situation?" I laughed. The misunderstandings that seemed to crop up everywhere really had no end in their comedic loop. Instead of giving him a straight answer I decided to you with him a bit. "Tell you what,"

I stood and made my way over to Edgar and brought my face real close, his minute surprise was satisfying to see, and grinned. "Why not try and snoop around, see what you can dig up before you confront me with the findings. If it's true I'll stop badgering poor, poor Hugh and Tybalt."

"And if it isn't?" Edgar looked hilarious on his guard.

"If it isn't you owe me milk from the cafeteria." I drew back and gave his stiff shoulders a rough pat.

I turned on my heel and gave a wave behind my shoulder. "Good luck!"


Four days had gone by since then and nothing had changed. Still getting the coddling treatment from both Anastasia and Stephen. Still being targeted by the useless pranks.

I let out a miserable sigh.

"I thought school would be much more entertaining than this." I tapped the butt end of my pencil against my cheek in boredom. I was staying behind to complete yet another sabotaged assignment, not that the assignment had any difficulties that would pose a problem but I was extremely getting irritated with how mundane they were with how they were dragging this out.

Maybe I should have given Edgar a time limit?

"You're still in class, Caleb?"

Startled I turned to see who it was that had entered the classroom.

"Oh, it's just you, Professor Henrik," I gave him a ready smile. "what brings you here at this hour?"

"I could say the same to you but I'll leave it for another day," Professor Henrik Wellhelen happened to be the third son of a Viscount who took up scholarly duties in Finance studies. For a fair haired and skinned man with a lean build, he had quite the brain.

Coincidentally he was also one of three capture target Professors.

He pushed up his spectacles and gave a warm smile in my direction. "I decided to drop by the classroom to see if I forgot anything."

I hummed in acknowledgment.

Professor Henrik made his way over to the desk at the front. "I heard that you had to redo a lot of assignments this past month, any idea why?"

So that was his main objective... I looked down at the paper I had in front of me, already completed. "You don't have to concern yourself over this minor matter, Professor, there are just some creases that I need to iron out."

"Is that so?" His thoughtful voice resonated within the quiet room. But he got the cue that I didn't want him prying.

God forbid at what his expression would be if he found out who was the cause behind it all.

We spoke of trivial things and I ended up asking him a lot of questions in regards to class materials.

"You are a bright student, Caleb,"

I raised an eyebrow. "That came out of nowhere."

"Just consider it as ramblings of a humble Professer," Professor Henrik chuckled in good nature.

That was how our conversation came to a close. We exchanged pleasantries and bid farewell at the front of the classroom and parted ways.

I inhaled the crisp evening air as I stepped out of the school building. "Nothing beats fresh air!"

With the steampunk setting you'd think that the surrounding air would be polluted, but on the contrary it was spotless! According to my memories, it wasn't always like this and the creation of a magic tool was the end product of such a scenario.

I'm just glad that I hadn't lived through such a trying time-

"You were held back again,"

I stopped and turned to face Edgar. He pushed himself off of the tree he leaned against and made his way over, only stopping a foot away from where I was standing.

I tilted my head, curious as to why he was here. "I'm guessing you've found something out?"

He nodded. "Let us go find a café,"

Looks like I won't be able to rest until much later. I gave a shrug and huffed. "Lead the way."

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