Chapter 4: Pops day.. Fun.

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After you walk into pops you see Cheryl sitting there, so you sit by her.
Betty: Hey Char!
Cheryl: *Blushes a little.* Hi!
Betty; How are you?!
Cheryl: I'm doing fine!
Then you watch Deadeye and his father...... Malachai walk in and spot you.
Deadeye: Told you she'd be here.
Malachai: Liz! What are you doing here.
Betty: Oh... Hey. What?
Malachai: Where's your Goulie Jacket.?
Betty: I- I Uh I don't have it.
Malachai: Why not.
Betty: Because. *lies* I lost it.
Malachai: Why.
Cheryl was fucking confused as hell.
Cheryl: Betty. What's going on?
Betty: Nothing Char it's okay.
Malachai: Who's this?
Betty: My friend.
He sees Cheryls Serpent jacket.
Malachai: Scene when you friends with the Serpents?
Betty: Uh..
You watch, Kitty, Eme, and Haley come in all pissed, at what? You don't know but they were pissed at you.
Betty: Hey you guys.
Eme: How could you!
Betty: Huh?
Haley: Dating the Serpent King!
Kitty: How could you betray us!
Betty: I.. I don't know what you mean.
You look over and see Kitty's phone, it was a picture of you and Jughead making out somewhere.
Betty: Who posted that..
Eme: Veronica Lodge.
You heard her name like a ring. You knew that she'd bail you out of jail just to get you in more and more trouble.
Betty: WOW that slut bag.
You say grabbing your coat and almost running out of pops.
Deadeye: Where you going?
You walk out and pull out your knife.
Kitty: Woah woah woah... No murder.
Betty: Kit. This isn't murder, it's killing.
Eme: Hey hey hey.. It's not your fault that you didn't know Jughead was her boyfriend!
Betty: And. I. Don't. Care. Bye I'm finding this bitch.
You run around to the School and see Jughead and Veronica making out. Then Veronica pulls out of the kiss.
Veronica: You have to tell her that you want to break up.. Because I don't want you to hurt her-
Jughead: I don't give a fuck about her! And she's at pops with Cher so me and you can have alone time. *Smirks* I love you baby!
Veronica: I love-
You walk around the corner with your knife and a smirk.
Betty: Why. Why why me. Why would you fake.. it all. I knew I should've not trusted Snakes. See they stab you in the back.
Sweetpea runs up.
Sweetpea: JONES!! WE HAVE- huge problem..
V/J: What!??
Sweetpea: Uh.. Hey.. Malachai and the other Goulies just saw Uh someone blow up pops...
They all look at you.
Malachai: Lizzy... You have explaining to do.
Betty: Huh?

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