Chapter 1: 2 diffrent lifes conected

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Penny: Betty! Wake up we have a Goulie meeting today!
Betty: Okay one minute I need to get dressed!

Penny: Betty! Wake up we have a Goulie meeting today! Betty: Okay one minute I need to get dressed!

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You get dressed into this.
Betty: Penny, I'm ready!
Penny: Okay let's go!
You and Penny get on your bikes and go to the Goulie meeting.
Deadeye: Hey ladies.
Betty: Hey deadeye!
Haley: Hay Lizzy.
Betty: Halz! Hey girl!
Eme: Betts hey girl!
Betty: Hey emz.
Raye: Hey Bee.
Betty: Raye! How are you!
Kitty: So why are we at this meeting?
JJ: Yeah?
Sap: Tell em ma!
Penny: Well tomorrow we're going to be going to school at Riverdale high! I know Northsiders and Serpents go there but I trained you all to fight just incase, and you all have your lucky knifes?
Everyone pulls out their knifes, Deadeye has a black knife with a little blood on it. Betty pulls out hers and it's red and purple with a little dry blood. Then Haley pulls hers out it has purple and black. Eme pulls out a only pink knife. Raye pulls out a blue and black knife, kitty pulls out her red and blue knife. Then JJ pulls out his black and green knife. Sap then pulls out his black and Gray knife.
Deadeye: Betts you have a little blood on there.
Betty: So do you.

Sweetpea: Jones! This is important.
Jughead and Veronica were making out.
Jughead: What Sweetpea? I'm busy!
Sweetpea: We have trouble, I heard a rumor that the Goulies are coming to this school and they have a new leader!
Jughead: What? Who.
Sweetpea: I'm not sure, but I know that there coming tomorrow..
Jughead: Okay. I'll deal with him.
Sweetpea: Okay.
(Btw they didn't know the leader was Betty, or a girl.)

Sweetpea: They should be here any minute.
You, Kitty, Deadeye, Sap, Haley, Eme, Raye, and JJ come in through the doors wearing your Goulie jackets, and you leading them in.
You look around and see everyone starring at you guys, including Jughead.
Betty: Oh for gods sake! Stop starring at us!
Jughead: Hey where's your leader?
You get a confused look on your face.
Betty: You mean me?
Jughead: *Shocked as hell* Wait... The leader is a girl?
Everyone starts laughing.
JJ: Why are you guys laughing?
Sweetpea: Like seriously! A girl can't be the leader like come on!
Betty: Are you calling me... How do I put this.. Not leader material?
Jughead: Well Yeah? A girl can't lead by herself, like is there another leader?
Betty: No.
Everyone starts laughing.
Betty: I'm done with this bullshit.
You take out your knife and start walking towards Jughead.
You roll your eyes and then put your knife away.
Principal: Elizabeth Cooper, Suspension for you!
Everyone: Cooper?
Betty: Whatever
You walk outside and then go to pops and light a cigarette.
Jughead: Wow.
Sweetpea: She tried to knife you bro!
Jughead: She failed.
In Jughead's head, "She was kinda hot tbh.. I gotta get her in bed. 😏 WHAT ARE YOU THINKING JONES! YOU LIKE VERONICA! Wait do you? No you don't like her anymore! You really like this chick. Okay then.. I have to get her in bed and maybe in Serpents? I wish.."
In your head: Why did you do that! He's so hot! But he wouldn't feel the same. And I even tried to knife him! I wish that goulies and Serpents got along..
You light out your cigarette.
Betty: I'm out of this hell hole.
You kept think about Jughead so you didn't hear Kitty and Deadeye calling your name.
Kitty: BETTY!
Deadeye: LIZZY?!
Betty: he's sooo hot~~
Betty: What?
Kitty: Yo that was sickkkk!
Deadeye: Btw there is a new rule. No weapons at school.
Betty: Cool.
You guys rush to your hotel bc it was getting dark.
JJ: What's the room thing?
Betty: There are 3 Beds in each room, we have 8 of us sooo, Me, Kitty, Eme in one room, Raye,  JJ, Deadeye in another, and then Sap and Haley in another room? How does that sound?
Everyone: Good.
You all go to your rooms and you, Eme, and Kitty all get changed.

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