An update on story progression.

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**************************** TW: talk of suicide and self harm below********************

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for having not been so active with new updates for "Breeding House".  Life currently has been sort of crazy. Due to covid-19, unfortunately my wedding to my fiancé had to be pushed back to October of 2021. My mom had a baby in July, who has been the greatest blessing to our family. Both mom and baby are healthy! In August I quit my job at a restaurant where I had been since November of last year. I had lost my passion, my fire for cooking, and my mental health was plummeting to the point I was having suicidal thoughts, and thought of relapsing with my self harm. Id like to thank my fiancé Dakota, and my cousin Tori for being by my side and helping me get on track to being better mentally.  

However in the last week or so, I have been working on turning my watt pad story into a BOOK! How exciting. I will use the story here to help with ideas, and to see your responses! Thank you all for being interested in something I never thought would work out and be popular. I have a few updates being worked on right now and I hope you will all enjoy them! 

I dont know if any of my readers need any help, but it's important to have someone to talk to, so if you're struggling with an eating disorder, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts, counselors are ready and waiting at the numbers below. All calls are confidential and free.

National Eating Disorders Association


S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse

1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

1–800–273-TALK (8255)

Stay safe my friends.

Breeding Houseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें