chapter 9

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Shinma looked at Akuma and smiled "well i did love you and despite how much i wanted to hate you i always loved you" shinma said Akuma laughed a bit he leaned back again his eyes covered by his hair he closed his eyes "Shinmae for the past year what have you been doing" Akuma asked Shinma looked out the window "well ive been ruling the kingdom i havent done to much lately but recently ive been on earth a lot hiw ablut you" Shinma said Akuma flenched he put his hands over his eyes and mumbled something but Shnma didn't understand so he ask "what?" Akuma lifted his bangs his forhead showing then said "i spent the first two munths angry and sad i was also trying to regain energy because i did something stupid then i did whatever i could to fix the kingdom and got like no sleep but a few days ago i came here" Akuma said "what happened that you had to regain energy?" Shinma asked Akuma bent over and stared at the ground his hair completely his his face "i had to go to a form i haven't been in for years just to kill my father and it took a lot of energy just to keep myself" Akuma said then something seemed off a smell slowly crept in Akuma noticed it first he immediately stood up he coughed a bit "Shinma we need to get oit of here" Akuma said he grabbed Shinmas hand he then felt his body go weak he shool his head and put his hand to Shinmas noes and mouth and made a type of barrier so the gas wouldn't harm Shinma he smiled at Shinma "ill be right back ima try to see if i can figure out whats going on" Akuma said Shinma grabbed Akumas arm "What is going on why did you put a barrier like that on me but not you" Shinma said "because i have a very strong resistance to poison so i should be fine pluse its nothing dangerous to me from what i can tell" Akuma said but he didn't relized that he had the wrong poison in mind he then walked to the basement he heald his head for a moment the smell was strong and the poison started to take affect someone jumped behind him and tried to stab him but he dodged he droped to his knees his body was shuting down he glared at the man that now stood in front of him "i guess its finally your time" the man said Akumas true form activated due to flight or fight his third eye opened his body levitate a bit his hair went up braking the rubberband the bottom half of his hair went black his wings horns and tail appeared and his hands wemt to claws h looked at the man and he was growling his eyes go black with a red slit pupil his ears pointed and finaly his teeth sharpend a lot he grabbed the man by the throat and growled "its one thing to try like a year ago and fail but to try again i mean come on im just pissed now you even activated my fligjt or fight response but sadly this is the end for you" Akuma growled out he clearly wasn't acting right at the moment he killed the man but his form stayed the way it was he droped the now dead body and burned in his wings flutter a bit and his tail swayed at a normal pase he then went upstairs and to Shinma "Akuma?" Shinma said Akuma had a low growl but he flenched at the sound of Shinma calling his name he looked at the ground he was unable to calm down "what the hell just happened and why do you look so different" Shinma said "just shut up ok its my fuckimg true form why do you have a problem with it" Akuma said Shinma sighed then walked to Akuma and pulled him down completely to the ground "what are you doing!" Akuma growled Shinma then hugged him "Shhhh calm down im fine with this form but you just arnt yourself at the moment" Shinma said Akuma was silent he stoped growling his hair fell and went back to its former color Shinma gently rubbed Akumas back and whispered sweet nothings to him Akumas wings tail and horns disappeared and he was standing on the ground without Sato having to hold him down Shinma laoed his head aginst Akumas chest "its all going to be ok trust me you can calm down just relax" Shinma said Akumas third eye closed his claws gone his teeth and eard returned to normal his body now as it was befor Akuma dropped to his knees Shinma was a bit confused at first Akuma had a high fever his body hot and shaking he coughed a bit then fell to his side "Akuma!" Shinma screamed as he fell to his knees and checked to see if Akuma was breathing Akuma smiled at Shinma who was now crying "i guess he tricked me" Akuma said "what do you mean whats going on" Shinma said "Cyanide only has....a fate bitter almond s......smell but given another poison it .......can hide that smeell.."Kanashe said he could barely talk or think at the moment Shinma grew worried tears ran down his face "how do i help you damnit please tell me i dont want you to go" Shinma cried he seemed to finally talk to Akuma the way he wanted to Akumas vision blurs he was silent "PLEASE AKUMA" Shinma cried "" Akuma mumbled out he started to cough a lot Shinma telaported them the hospital in his own castle he didn't want to do this but had no other choice "ZYANA" Shinma screamed as he walked to the closest bed and set Akuma down Zyana walked to him he flenched Akuma was coughing a lot his body was shaking he started to fome at the mouth "get him on his side and dont let him get free" Zyana said Shinma grabbed Akuma and pulled him to the side teats still ran down his face Zyana ripped Akumas shirt

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