Ludociel was first, flying down to me to strike with his sword. I jumped and watched as Ludociel hit the ground, face first. I giggled, landing beside him. "Now that's a sight for sore eyes." I joked.

Ludociel quickly stood up and punched me. I flew back, but skidded to a stop a few metres back. I launched myself back to him and struck him with my sword. I landed a hit. Blood leaked out of his shoulder.

"Ark!" he yelled, pointing to me. My eyes widened. "Oh shit!" was the last thing I heard once again. I caught sight of Ludociel's smirk before everything (once again) turned white.

I was stuck in a bubble and the light was burning my skin. I officially am not having fun. I focused my energy onto my fist and punched the bubble. It shattered and I fell to the ground. I breathed heavily, trying to heal my wounds. I looked up at Ludociel and glared.

"Moves like that... tend to make my blood boil." I spoke coldly, standing. "You chose the wrong person to piss off." I warned. I let my grey, feathered wings unfurl, my eyes turning an inky grey.

(What!? Who knew that would happen? Definitely not me...)

Ludociel did something equivalent to widening his eyes (having had them shut the entire time). "Oh I recognize that form!" Ludociel laughed. "I take it you also know what happened to my kind. Leave now or you are in a world of trouble." I threatened. Ludociel got in a stance. "I should go ahead and kill you off, and kill the demon as well." Ludociel smirked.

Blood spewed out of his hip, alongside his new wound. I took it upon myself to strike him while he had been distracted. "Want to repeat that?" I questioned.

I smirked.

Ludociel glared. "Don't underestimate the power of an Archangel!" He yelled, running to me with his sword. I side-stepped him and sliced his back, purposely missing his wings.

The worst thing you could do to someone is tear their wings, and I'm not that cruel of a person to do something so terrible.

He fell to the floor. I stepped on his back. "Are you sure you want to continue this battle or retreat?" I asked. Ludociel sent an ark my way, surprising me. I was once again trapped in a bubble, but it wasn't as bad as the last.

Ludociel took this to his advantage and flew away. I punched the bubble, breaking it. I made sure to land on my feet. I turn and see Zeldris (who I totally haven't forgotten about). He is wide eyed. "How were you able to overpower an Archangel so easily, F/N?" he asked.

"It's not necessary for you to call me F/N anymore. That name had just been a fake alias created for the purposes of not getting recognized by anyone." I explained. "And sorry for practically lying to you this whole time." I apologize.

"As for your real name?" Zeldris asks. He doesn't exactly seem bothered. "My real name is Y/N L/N, and I'm a member of the devil's race." I smile.

"What? A few years ago word spread that the race had been eradicated." Zeldris spoke. I grimaced at the word 'eradicate'. "Eradicate... is rather strong... but yes, my race was wiped out.  There had only been a few survivors, including me and a few of my friends." I explained. "Mind explaining what exactly happened?" he asked.

"No, I don't mind. It had been a normal day in hell... we were not prepared for an attack launched by the Goddesses, lead by the Four Archangels. Although we were a powerful, well-known race, most of us died in that cruel battle. Me and my friends barely made an escape when we called for reinforcements." I glared darkly.

"Why had they targeted your clan?" Zeldris asked. "Well, a few months before, the King, Satan, had announced that the oldest princess was to marry a prince of the Demon Clan to form an alliance. My guess was the Goddesses did not want their enemy to have anymore power then they already had." I mused. I folded my arms.

"But that assault was not needed." I closed my eyes. "Other then that, we should probably leave this village." I spoke, starting to walk away. Zeldris followed. "Why so sudden?" he asked. "Well, it's obvious that Ludociel is making some reinforcements and if we stay here, we most probably will be facing with all the four Archangels." I explained. I made sure to hide my wings and turn my eyes back to its E/C colour.

After a while, we were back at the village and I was packing all the stuff necessary (clothes, weapons etc.). Once done, me and Zeldris walked out of my house. Griffin stopped us.  "Are you finally leaving this village?" Griffin asked, excited. "Yes Griffin, I'm sure you're ecstatic by this." I chuckled.

Griffin had the biggest smile on his face, and before I could react, he started running around the whole village, yelling "F/N's finally leaving!!!" I sighed, leaving the village before I could get interrupted again.


I made sure I was far enough from the village when I unfurled my wings. Zeldris got the message and let his darkness form into wings. I raised my eyebrow.

"Aren't you going to go back to the Demon Realm?" I asked. Sure I would miss his company, but I'm pretty sure his family misses him. After all he has stayed with me for 2 weeks.

"If I can, I'd like to overstay my visit." he explained. I blushed slightly, turning around. I flew up. I looked down at Zeldris. "Just follow me, okay." I told him. He nodded and once he was in the air, I flew off to the portal.

"How does your realm look?" Zeldris asked. I could barely hear him. "I can't say; it's been a while since I've been to hell!" I yelled. We finally reached the portal; a cave. "Is this it?" he asked. I nodded, walking inside.

It was dark... and cold. "I don't remember the cave being so cold." I shivered, holding my arms, trying to keep warm. Zeldris didn't look cold. He pulled me closer to him, and he was surprisingly warm.

"Since when are you warm?" I asked, shivering slightly. "Since you became cold." he spoke. I blushed slightly, looking forward. "The entrance is up ahead." I told him. We walk forward and I see a stone carved portal.

There were patterns decorated around the entrance. I smiled. "How do we activate it?" Zeldris asked. "Leave it to me." I spoke, walking forward. Zeldris stood back. I raise my arms and direct them to the portal.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Leratuda Amaliora Terioma." I spoke. The patterns glow white and the cave brightens. I open my eyes slightly, but continue to open the portal, focusing. "Alamona Gerusium Revontali." I ended. The light around the cave dimmed down and I could see the portal opened. I turned to look at Zeldris. "It's time." 

A/N : This isn't my best chapter, I know.

The turn of events were too quick, I know.

This is not at all what you expected when I said 'the next chapter is where business goes down', I know.

I'm getting some writers block for Never Have I Ever, I know.

I should stop with the 'I know's', I know.

This chapter wasn't too bad to right, but I suck at writing fight scenes so for me that's where the chapter plummeted.

Hope you enjoy the not-so-great chapter and I'll see you next time

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