part 1

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Deku was having fun he had met a large assortment of beautiful girls but she took the cake. Nejire Hado currently a third year at U.A. ( they met in nejires second year). They met when Deku saved her and she became attached, since then they became great friends, and only one thing could ruin this, the shitty villans that wanted deku's quirk and the heros that wanted him for illegal quirk usage, o and the fact that he ate human flesh but apart of that their relationship was great, they hung out alot and even though they weren't dating (yet) they cared deeply for each other.
Nejire still hadn't told anyone about Izuku but she was still happy. She was about to start her third year and she was allowed to see the first years with her friends Mirio and Tamaki.

Meanwhile the search for deku kept going and so did the search for the Tokyo Ghoul. After a year of stress, wounds and pain Deku's hair turned white.

Bakugou pov
I made it, I got first place and had all nights power, nothing could stop me. I placed first at the quirk assessment test today. After all might told me to make friends I did it, I liked some guy with shitty hair, a pikachu, racoon eyes and round face. Round face was pretty but she talked to much, she reminds me of that idiot deku. That morton had no idea the pain he was causing his parents, besides the idiot probably got himself killed by that monster that eats people. Well it wasn't confirmed if he ate people but that's what people said. I get pulled back to reality by Aizawa telling us stuff.

" Listen up, the principal wants us to take you out on patrols. Don't worry you will have teachers in every group"
"But sir" said Mina "They say that the Tokyo Ghoul is in town, are you sure it will be safe'
"Don't worry you will be in groups with a pro so you learn and are safe, nothing will happen" (O how wrong he was)

I ended up with Ochako, Mina, and Kirishima and our pro was all might.
We put our clothes on and left on patrol.

Deku pov
I just finished my meal from some idiots the LoV sent after me when I here some sounds
" Listen up young heros" came a voice that could only belong to my idiot father all might " We must be carful and only atack if needed"
"That's bullshit, we should atack everyone in our way" said a self centered idiot
They kept talking and some brunette was praising Bakugou , great now he has a girlfriend, anyway I put my mask on and activate my ghoul eyes so I'm not recognised and wait to be noticed
Eventually some red guy says " Un guys who is that"
"Dam everyone back, if that is who I think this is bad"
"Well I see my reputacion process me" I say in my demonic voice

"We're not scared of you , You loser"

"Then come and prove it" I say

Katchan trows himself at me and I decide to toy with him and not use my kagune, I kick him and send him flying out and taking him out. The rest of the losers look at me in fear as I easyly took out there hero. Then All Might comes and I block his atack.
"Is that all you got" I say
He then tries and tries to atack but I still doge and block with ease untill that idiot Kachaan pulls a pin and an explosion engulfs me

All Might pov
This guy is thought and all I can think is what a great hero he could be the I see it. Young Bakugou pulling a pin on his support gear and shooting a giant explosion.
I see his mask fall reaviling his face and for a second I'm terrified. I see emerald green eyes however they turn back to that demonic red and black and he emerges from the smoke
"Wow that actually hurt a bit, however not good enough" he says and I see it. A boy no older than my students with his body destroyed. Then his blood starts moving and putting itself back together healing him. I see the blood lust and the fact that we would lose this battle so I get the students and run.

Deku pov
That hurt like hell . Not only that my mask was destroyed reveling my face. But that wasn't a big deal my identity will be forever secret. I pick up my broken mask and leave since I have a date with nejire later

Bakugou pov
I was scared, I unloaded everything I had and it did nothing, not only that but I saw his eyes how they turned to emerald and back. I might have imagined it, I'll talk to All Might later.

I'm in the car with All Might, he offered to take me home so we could talk
"You saw it right" I asked
"Saw what young Bakugou?"
"His emerald eye"
"Yes I did"
" Was it him"
"It couldn't have been Izuku was quirkless"
"Your right All Might, it can't be him"

" Young Bakugou why don't we go get something to eat, to take are mind of this"

We arrive at the mall and se a tall girl with blue hair, she is in the third year and is one of the best at U.A. Then the worst part comes.
I see Deku, well a deku with white hair and a bit taller bit he still has emerald eyes and some frekles. I look at All Might and he seems shoked. The Deku look alike kisses blue hair and they hold hands and go in to the mall

"Young Bakugou"
"Yes All Might"
"Let's go home"

Alone (Ghoul Deku AU) Mha x Tokyo GhoulWhere stories live. Discover now