"No problem!" I grinned and then frowned, "Wait-- I don't have a pen."

    Daddy frowned, "Oh shit! Me neither, huh." He looked awkwardly at the paper and then at me.

"I can spell it out loud?" I suggested.

Daddy shook his head, "No, that won't work. That might trigger a deal between us, and you probably don't want that."

"Oh, no." I shook my head, "We should definitely avoid a deal."

"I was thinking the same thing." Daddy nodded. Then, his eyes lit up with the promise of a great idea, "Hey, I have this needle! You can use your blood to sign it!"

    "Oh, duh!" I laughed. He pulled a needle out of his pocket. I pricked my finger, wincing a bit at the pain. He held out the paper and I carefully signed it with my bleeding finger. The whiteness of my blood was only slightly different than the paper's shade, but at least it was legible. Once I was done writing it for him, I smiled and leaned back.

    The paper suddenly caught on fire, making me jerk back in surprise. Daddy gave me a curious expression, "Quick question, how's the optical illusion on your hand?"

    I shrugged and turned my hand over, finding that the symbol was now a dull gold. It settled in my palm suspiciously. I felt a sigh escape my lips, "I just made a deal with you, didn't I?"

    "Very easily, yes." Daddy nodded, "You are astonishingly dumb."

    I glared down at my palm, "Shit. Please tell me what I just made a deal to, Daddy."

    Daddy smirked, "I seriously wouldn't worry about it, angel. But, if you must know, I have dedicated myself to help you reach your goal of becoming one of the greatest sinners in the world."

    I scowled at him, "That's not one of my goals! I just wanted to chill and not worry about accidental, minor sins."

    He shrugged, "Too late, you should have read the contract."

    "Alright, Daddy. What do you get in return?"

    Daddy laughed, "I get a hot twink calling me Daddy and doing everything I say." He shrugged, "It's a win-win for me."

    "What's a 'hot twink'?" I asked, frowning up at him.

    Before Daddy could come up with a response, the door flew open. We both turned our attention to it as a familiar figure entered through the door.

    Grant sighed, "Who left the door unlocked?" He groaned, turning to us. His eyebrows pressed in as he noticed us standing close with one another. He frowned, "Uh... you guys okay?"

    "Perfect!" Daddy grinned, "Ishmael and I were just getting acquainted." As if to prove the statement, he clapped me on the back

    "Ow, shit!" I yelped as his hand contacted the holes in my back.

    Grant gasped, "Xav, careful on his back!" He walked in and closed the door behind me, glancing down at Daddy's bags.

    Daddy was looking down at me, "What's up with your back?"

    "God's wrath." I responded, rubbing out the pain with one of my hands, "It's usually good if you don't slap it."

    Grant nervously laughed, "Oh, God's wrath! Silly Ishmael with his silly jokes!" He shook his head, "Yeah, he hurt his back in a skiing accident."

    "What's skiing?" I asked, genuinely curious.

    Grant looked ready to ram his head into the stove. Daddy burst out laughing, "Grant, where the fuck did you happen to find an angel?"

    Grant's face contorted, "Angel? Did he tell you that? He's a bit demented." Grant tried to play it off, "Really bad skiing accident."

    "Uh-huh." Daddy nodded sarcastically. "Still doesn't explain where ya found him."

    "To Hell with where you found me!" I scoffed, jerking my head at Daddy, "Where did you find Daddy?"

    "I'm sorry..." Grant held his hands out, as if putting physical distance between himself and the word, "Who?"

    "Your roommate. Daddy." I waved my hands at Daddy, who looked like he was just trying to hold in laughter.

    Grant looked completely confused, as if he was ready to clock out of this entire conversation. He took a deep breath, "Xav. Why is he calling you that?"

    "I told him to." Daddy laughed, "And he just does. I never realized how fun angels could be."

    Grant sputtered, "You're just accepting that there's an angel in your house?"

    "Well-- you've been living with a demon!" I reminded him, "I think that's more weird than living with an angel."

    "I've been doing what?!" Grant squealed.

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