Chapter 9: Kim Yi Sook

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She turned to face the window and her smile slowly faded. What kind of a person is he then?


The next day, Yi Sook was in the briefing room, where one of his team members was briefing their case. Yi sook, however, was clearly not listening. His eyes were closed, he was leaning back on his chair, thinking. Suddenly, a distressed voice called out to him.
"Detective Kim?" Yi Sook opened his eyes, looking at the young detective briefing before him.
"I'm sorry, is it over?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. The man bowed and mumbled an yes.
"Good. There is something I'd like to discuss with you guys. Detective Han, can you close all the blinds?" He said to the young detective, who hesitated but complied. After all the blinds had been closed, Yi Sook turned on the lights and stood in front of the podium.
"In this room, you six people are the only people I trust. You all know I handpicked you to be in my team, right?"
"YES SIR!" The men shouted. Yi Sook smiled.
"There is something I need you guys to look into, but the department should not know about this. Is that okay for you?" Yi Sook asked, while his team members shifted in their seats.
"If you don't want to, that is totally fine. I'm going to look into this myself, whether you guys are with me or not." Yi Sook continued. "This could be false, but there is a very trusted source behind this intel. So, I want to investigate. Will you guys join me?"

The detectives looked at each other, but Detective Han stood from his seat. One by one, rest of the team stood up, saluting Yi Sook. He nodded, satisfied.
"We will start this investigation from today and we will meet every evening for updates."
"Sir.. you haven't told us what and who we are investigating." Detective Han asked. Yi Sook smirked.
"We are investigating the Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan for murder." Everyone's eyes opened wide hearing Yi Sook's words. He continued, expecting this reaction.
"I want to know everything about him. Every schedule, every movement must be reported. Even if he sneezes, I want that record. Make sure you don't arouse any suspicions from him and his department. Work secretly."

The team saluted but the shock could be read in their faces, looking at each other. Yi Sook dismissed them all, but called Detective Han separately. Han stood before him, wondering what more he wants.

"Detective, I want info about a man called Kim Do Hwan. Get it to me as soon as possible."

"Do you think your friend will be able to help?" Ye Ji asked, fidgeting.
"Of course! He said he will look into this today. We can at least get some info by today." Ae Ra was optimistic, but Ye Ji just hung her head down. Ae Ra noticed this, and sat next to her in the lounge.
"I may not know how you feel, but this is the best revenge. We can show who he is to the world, if your murder is proven to be done by him." Ye Ji nodded. "This isn't the revenge you hoped for, but this is the best way we can minimize the damage to your son." Ae Ra said, holding Ye Ji's hand. She turned to smile at her with glazed eyes.

Kim Do Hwan was looking at the two talking from afar and sighed. Kyung came and stood next to him timidly.
"I'm sorry, sir. I thought she was.. helping her to.." Kyung dragged his words, apologetic. Do Hwan looked at him.
"I almost fired Miss Jung on her first day because of you." Do Hwan said in a sharp tone. Kyung gulped.
"It's okay. She is safe now. Make sure you are very careful of what you report to me next time." Do Hwan patted Kyung's back and turned away to leave. Kyung sighed, relieved.

As the night progressed in Hotel Blue Moon, Ae Ra was busy catering to the needs of the guests or in assigning he staffs. She was racing down the hallways to and fro, welcoming guests, giving them the best experience she can to help them relax.
Do Hwan came to her on one of her few moments of rest where she sat in the hotel bar.
"Miss Jung, will you come with me for a second?" Ae Ra nodded, getting up.
"What's wrong, Mr. Kim?" She asked, walking with him in slow pace.
"We are sending off one of the guests today. To afterlife." Ae Ra was surprised. It hasn't been even two days since the hotel and already someone is ready to go?
"Are they sure?" Ae Ra asked, worried. Do Hwan nodded.
"This isn't our choice,. Miss Jung. If the guest wants to leave, we should prepare for their departure, nothing more." Ae Ra was not satisfied with Do Hwan's answer.

The both walked to one end of the hotel, where a gigantic door covered in creepers stood before him. Do Hwan touched the door and it swung open effortlessly. Ae Ra watched, mesmerized. The both walked to what looked like a forest road, and Ae Ra noticed that there was a tunnel at the end of the road. A tall, dark man stood there, covered in black from head to toe. Beside him was a limo, and a frail old man, who looked like he is at least 70.
Do Hwan bowed to both of them. Ae Ra realised that they are sending off this old man to afterlife. Ae Ra bowed, in respect.
"Thank you for taking a good care of me, Mr. Kim. I got to rest and go peacefully like this because of you." Do Hwan smiled.
"That is our duty, sir. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay." The old man nodded, smiling. He then got onto the limo, which started to slowly drive towards the tunnel. Do Hwan turned to look at Ae Ra, who had a puzzled expression on her face.
"That's it?" She asked Do Hwan, who smiled.
"That's it. This car will drop him off at the end of the tunnel, from there he has to cross the bridge to afterlife on foot." This fascinated Ae Ra. Do Hwan suddenly turned and saw the man who was standing beside the limo.
"I forgot to introduce you both. Ae Ra, this is the Grim Reaper. This is our new manager Jung Ae Ra." Ae Ra just stood there motionless while he grim reaper's mouth curled up.
"You mean.. the Grim Reaper?" Ae Ra whispered to Do Hwan. He nodded, stifling his laugh.
"I have a lot to do now, Kim Do Hwan. We'll meet again soon." Grim reaper's voice boomed. Do Hwan nodded.

As he left, Ae Ra's gaze was transfixed on him, mouth open.


"Sir, you have to see this." said Detective Han, entering Yi Sook's office. Yi Sook motioned him to sit down.
"One of our team members was undercover in the Sunset bar in Itaewon, where she met this guy working under  the Mayor." Yi Sook stood up, interested.
"Did she get any info?" 
"She did, apparently the man was bragging about his work under the Mayor and a man called Anton, who was apparently in some shady stuff for the Mayor." Detective Han continued. "If we can get our hands on this guy, we might be able to get him to talk." 
Yi Sook nodded. "Is that it?" Detective Han hesitated.
"I looked into Kim Do Hwan like you told me, sir."
Yi Sook looked at him and motioned him to continue. Detective Han was seemingly confused.
"I first searched our records and found nothing. So I assumed that he doesn't have any criminal record." 
"But?" Yi sook asked, impatiently.
"This is where it gets weirder. I expanded my search to other records, driving license, voter id, even tax statements from Venture. I found nothing."
"Not even a single info. It's like the man doesn't even exist!" 

Hotel Blue Moon (Inspired by Hotel Del Luna)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin