Chapter 7: Taken 3

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Niall was in tears. Karey was in tears. Louis was laughing, and Harry was taking some Prozac.

"MY EYES BURN!!!" Louis cried.

"My waist hurts!" Karey cried. Louis apparently did not know that nails had to be trimmed ever so often.

"lol" Louis laughed, as he tweeted about the entire incident.

Having finished swallowing the Prozac, Harry walked over to Karey. "Are you okay?"

"Does it LOOK like I'm fucking okay?" Karey wailed, her waist bleeding. "He dug his nails into my waist!"

"Huh. I figured your head would be hurting." Niall noticed.

"Why's that?" Karey asked, looking around the Limo for some rubbing alcohol. Sadly, the only alcohol the Limo carried was the regular kind.

"Well, as he pulled you in, you banged your head against the door." Niall explained.

"Oh. Right." Karey remembered, then screamed. "OW! MY HEAD!"

The regular alcohol would have to suffice.

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