Chapter 17: Chiara's Secret

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"You did what?" exclaimed Rowan, immediately looking at his shoes.

"Got you!" grinnned Kenneth.

"That's not funny!" said Rowan, trying hard to not laugh.

"Then why are you laughing?"

Rowan stiffled a frown but ended up laughing.

"All right, you lot," said Kenneth, realizing that he'd taken too much of his time. "I really need to go. I hope to not be gone long."

"Bye, Ken" said Penny.

"Later, mate," sighed Rowan.

"Be safe," pleaded Ben.

Nodding, Kenneth turned on his heel and sped-walked out of the Great Hall. The corridors of the castle seemed to be gloomier these last few days, Kenneth noticed.

I'm hoping that this has nothing to do with Greyback, he thought.

"Russell, stop right there," came a cold voice.

Kenneth stopped in his tracks, recognizing that voice from a mile away. He turned towards the source and a large, bellowing cloak that looked like an overgrown bat approached him. The figure came into view and it was Snape. He was holding a golden goblet that exuded a faint blue smoke. His face was covered in soot, that he tried to remove but failed.

"Ah, Professor Snape," greeted Kenneth. "You're looking rather clean. What do I owe the pleasure to be in your presence?"

Snape raised a eyebrow and his lip curled in a sneer.

"Enough with the wisecracks, Russell," he sneered. "You are going to meet up with Cecil Lee, I presume?"

"Yes...?" said Kenneth uncertain.

"You are familiar with Miss Lobosca?"


"I am busy dealing with idiotic potion concoctions, as you may have noticed the soot. I will not be able to see her this evening. I want you to give this to her." Handing Kenneth the goblet. "Do not spill it."

"What is it?" asked Kenneth, taking the potion and examing it.

"Never you mind," Snape retorted impatiently. "The less you your feeble mind knows, the better. I consider this task easy for you to not botch. I expect Miss Lobosca to receive this potion without a single drop spilt. Do not drink it yourself, do not let anyone drink it either. Do I make myself clear?"


"Do I make myself clear?" Snape repeated, visibly annoyed and irritated.

Knowing that arguing with Snape was an easy way to have house points docked and detention, Kenneth knew that this potion had to be of great significance.

"Yes, sir," Kenneth resigned

"Good," Snape said. "Miss Lobosca you will have to find on your own. I suggest you make haste. Now begone."

Snape then turned around and left Kenneth alone in the corridor.

Kenneth held the goblet steady and carefully walked at a slower pace, hoping for the life of him that he didn't run into anyone, anything, least of all Merula. That hope didn't last long because the second he turned the corner he almost ran into a tall figure.

"What are you doing, Gryffindor?" demanded the voice, with intense hostility.

Kenneth looked up to see that it wasn't a Filch. Nor Peeves. It wasn't a professor or even Merula. It was a fifth-year Slytherin boy. He had slick dark brown hair, dark penetrating eyes that could rival Snape's and a pompose look on his face. He had a Prefect's badge pinned to his left breast.

Hogwarts Mystery: Kenneth Russell & The Mysterious RoomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin