Chapter 4

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Axzur looked up as Kotrox entered the storage room. Kotrox carefully picked his way towards him around several half-unloaded containers scattered around the floor.

It was usually exceptionally tidy and organized in here, but they had been understaffed these past couple of days. It couldn't be helped, it was just unfortunate coincidence that so many of their employees had to take a short leave, reasons ranging from family matters to relocating homes and the likes. The remaining employees barely had extra time to restock the shelves, let alone reorganize the recent shipment of goods in the storage room. 

Before he was interrupted, Axzur had been preparing water bowls for some of the more special animals. Some needed additional nutrients, and others needed calming medicines. Axzur had just finished stirring in a packet of nutrient powder into one of the bowls and was just starting to label it when Kotrox showed up. 

"Axzur," Kotrox greeted with a nod, having made his way around the obstacles. 

"Kotrox!" Axzur exclaimed, happy to have some company. It wasn't really fun working alone.

Kotrox quickly held up a clawed hand as Axzur opened his mouth, stopping the flood of words from escaping.

"Hold on," he said, amused, before handing Axzur the vial. "This is for cage 72." 

Axzur's forked tongue flicked out curiously at the vial in his hands. "What is it?"

"Sedatives," Kotrox answered. 

Axzur stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate. They haven't dealt with any creatures that needed sedatives like this before. This pet shop didn't deal with dangerous animals, so something like this wasn't a common practice. Even the few guard animals they possess are friendly and hadn't even attempted to harm anyone before.

Seeing the question in Axzur's eyes, Kotrox sighed and continued, "The new creature that came in with the creature shipment yesterday, it's apparently a new species. It looks harmless enough, but," his voice hardened a bit, "It's prone to luring people in before attacking them. It bit Srox."

"Is she alright?" Axzur asked, tongue flicking out in concern. Srox was always so gentle with the animals, he couldn't imagine any creature from their shop hurting her. This new creature is really quite something. It must be it's hunting method, if the creature really came from the wild.

Kotrox nodded, "Sshilav's tending to her."

He waited patiently as Axzur quickly finished making a new water bowl, and they both left the room together. Kotrox listened to the younger Alserxian happily chatter away as they walked down the hall.

He remembered when Axzur had first joined them. Axzur had served on a bounty hunter ship, chasing down plunderers, poachers, and all sorts of criminals for a bountiful reward. The young Alserxian had probably been recruited from their homeland, starry eyed and ready for action from the empty promises of heroic acts and adventures the recruiters had preached to ensnare young and able bodies to join their crew. 

Axzur had learned quickly that the reality was a lot darker and bloodier than he had fantasized. His life was at peril every time the ship pursue a bounty, and he had seen so much death and bloodshed at a young age. It was a high-risk life where he had to learn fast or suffer the consequences. What kept him going was his own optimism and trust in the captain. 

Unfortunately, that trust was misplaced. The ship's practices were borderline illegal, and morally wrong at the very least. The captain only cared about her original crewmates and the wealth they'll get after each hunt. Their skills were real and admirable, but their methods were quite twisted. 

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