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Hey it's MishaMatch!!!

Before I started uploading, I would like to say in advance a big THANK YOU to all those who would stumble in my book and gave it a chance.

Please do UNDERSTAND that English isn't my main language as such, there would be many grammatical errors that I would appreciate if you would point out.

Also, I would really REALLY love constructive criticism on my story as I know it would pave way in becoming a better writer.

Lastly this story exist in OMEGAVERSE though this would be a girl×boy relationship.

For non-yaoi fans, Omegaverse is an alternate universe where if you're an Omega no matter the gender, you could get pregnant and society is divided in THREE PARTS which includes:

1. Alpha
-they are predicted as 'perfect' most of them live in high society
-when in rut, they lose control and act on their instinct to mate
-they can have many mates

2. Beta
-the normal ones
- don't have a heat cycle/ or go into rut
-can still be with either Alpha or Omega
-largest in terms of population

3. Omegas
-have a heat cycle where they don't have control over their sexual thoughts.
-they let off a sweet scent that have Alphas lose control
-uses suppressants to control their heat cycle
-can only have one mate once their bitten.
-always been prejudiced by others.

If you don't enjoy this kind of genre, you don't  have to insult it. I love Omegaverse and wish to create a story in this alternate universe.

THERE I think I've said it all? Oh the other important thing: please do LIKE AND COMMENT for my improvement. Now I think I've talked you're ear off, I would publish the story after I got back from the hospital.


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