Chapter 8-Wide awake

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"Not so good."I tell him while hugging him.

"Well,let me just say that things will be better."Troye says with his accent while giving me a hug as well.

I nod,"Have you guys met Grace's family?"I ask.

They give each other introductions and look at me sitting at the side of the bed holding Grace's hand,"Hannah,sh-she looks ten times better then a few minutes ago."Tyler says.

I look at Grace and notice that she has more color in her face then before.And if i'm not mistaken she has a whisper of a smile on her face."Grace if you can hear me I just want let you know that me,your family and the gang all miss you.I love you.Please come back to me."I say feeling tears spring to my eyes,"We all love you."I say with tears running down my face.


Grace's POV


 "I don't know if you can hear me but if you can I just want to say that I love you.I always have,always will.I'm almost dieing inside without you here laughing at my jokes and giving me soft kisses.I can't begin to tell you how much it hurts to know that you may die.You are the most beautiful person I know.You look dead and cold right now but you still look gorgous as always."I hear Hannah say making me want to cry.

I don't know what happened but the last thing I remember was me and Hannah almost kissed in London.Did I fall backwards?

Think Grace think! I command myself.Nothing.All this time Hannah has loved me and I have been in love with her for so long.I start to cry in my head because I can't kiss her right now.

About 3 months later

I have started to kind of remember what happened but everytime I fall asleep I lose it.

"Grace,If you don't come back to me now,they are going to pull the plug tommorrow.I love you.Please comeback"Hannah pleads holding my hand.What?!No!I love you Hannah!I don't want to leave you Hannah!I've tried and tried but I can't seem to do much right now.

She kisses me and just want to be able to kiss her back so bad,then she leaves and I can her small figure's feet hit the floor and I just cry and cry inside my head.

The next day

Come on Grace you and do it.Do it for Hannah.I say trying to take over my body.

Hannah is here and I hear the doctor talking and crying everywhere.Probley my family and Tyler and them.But there is one person I can pinpoint that cry.I've heard many times before.Hannah.

"What's going to happen is I'm going to turn everything off and within about 5 seconds that heart monitor will go dead.I'm so sorry for all of you.I'll be back in about 30 minutes."then the doctor leaves.

Tyler and Troye go first.

"Grace,we are going to miss you so,so much.Troye would speak but he is a girl and can't talk and cry at the same time.We are going to miss your laugh,wit,everything about you.Love you."makes me feel so bad that I can't stop what's going on and make them feel better by waking up.

Then Mamrie."Grace,I don't know how to take care if Hannah after this,your still alive and I can barely manage.I'll miss you so much.I'm going to miss doing collars with the trinity.I just hope that we will still be friends with out you,Hannah and I,you were our glue.Goodbye Grace."I hear her cry out squeezing my hand.How do I make this stop!I can't take it anymore!

"Grace,we just want to tell you that we approve of your relationship with Hannah we just wish you would have told us sooner so we could see how happy she makes you.We love you so much."I feel my mom kiss my cheek and a tear falls on my face which annoys me but I get over it seeing I can't do anything about it.

Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction ft.Troyler,Mamrie,and Chester)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora