The Important Stuff - Rules

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I know this seems long, but bear with me, these are here for a reason

If there is something you don't understand please ask me to clarify it :) 

Most recently updated 1/12/22

1. Pretty please be patient. I work full time and have a life outside Wattpad. I try and answer any questions quickly as well as deliver graphics quickly (usually 24 to 72 hours, but it depends on what havoc is currently going on in my life). If I don't answer right away give me a day or two then give me a poke and let me know you requested or had a question. I live in the U.S. in the PST time zone. I use photoshop for my graphic design work. 

2. Please keep PNG requests to two cuts per form as they take some time to complete (please don't put in a new request until present one is completed and delivered)

3. Always double check your form before you post it to be certain everything is spelled correctly and your punctuation and capitalization is how you want it as I copy and paste from the forms to be certain the text is exactly how you want it and to avoid mistyping anything. Please make certain you have used my form and haven't missed copying a section

4. DO NOT shop hop! If I discover you've shop hopped and I've already made your graphic it will automatically become a premade and I will not deliver it, and you will get no further graphics from me (If you're uncertain what shop hopping is please ask and I will explain what it is!)

5. Don't edit, alter, pull apart, or disseminate my graphics in anyway, please ask if you need changes. I save my PSD files so if you need a change in the future, just ask me! (I have things back to 2017 when I began using photoshop. I save everything). If I discover you've done any of these things you will be asked to remove the graphic, if you don't you'll be blocked and the graphic will be offered to others as a premade. I won't tolerate theft of any kind.

6. Provide good, clear ideas. I'm not magical and I can't design without at least a basic idea of what it is you're looking for in the design. Be certain to include all details that are important to you (like character descriptions or certain items that are integral to the story you'd like on the cover)

7. Use only my forms and do not alter them! (this means removing anything, changing any of the wording, or adding sections to the form, if you don't have a subtitle, for example, leave it blank or put N/A in the space!) Not using my forms or changing them is grounds for denial of the request

8. Please use the graphic for at least a 2 weeks, I work hard on my designs and it makes me a very sad squirrel when people toss things out that I've made after a day or two. If I discover you haven't used the graphic for the allotted time (or at all) it will automatically become a premade so someone else can enjoy it

9. If you don't like the graphic please tell me. I'd rather you be happy than take a graphic you don't intend to use simply to spare my feelings. I offer two revisions, I will do my best to get the graphic the way you want. Revisions consist of a font change - either the font itself, size, color, or placement. Coloring changes, or moving of objects on the cover. I will replace the image, but only twice. If changes become excessive I reserve the right to say no to anything more being done to the graphic and delivering it as is or not at all.

10. If you don't pick up within 3 days of the graphic preview being posted it will be removed from the delivery chapter and become a premade. If you show up at a later date and decide you'd like the graphic and no one else has taken it then you'll need to complete a read payment to retrieve it

11. You can request as many times as you'd like, but do be aware that the main payment is a follow, if you've requested multiple times and are already following all my accounts then I'll ask that you read and comment on a book, comments must be 3+ lines of something constructive. A line of random emojis or things like "OMG he's so evil" do not count, please give constructive comments about the story

12.  I will make covers for books that aren't yet posted, but please remember to credit me for the cover when it does go up. Your profile must be active for me to consider making a cover for a book that hasn't been posted yet. (i.e. - if I see zero activity on your profile and it's never been set up then you aren't active)

13. Do be aware that graphics I make will have my watermark on it somewhere. This is my signature and proof I made the graphic. I will not remove it.

14. Graphics posted in this book for 'delivery' are previews only (almost all of my deliveries are made using a mockup of some sort, your graphic may appear slightly different when final image is delivered). I will either email you the final design or send it through discord. These are my only options for delivery, please don't request if you can't use either of these options, I have no way to provide a link. Please PM you information for delivery, do not post it in the shop!

15. If you don't follow the rules I will deny you. Not because I'm mean, but the rules are here for a reason and if you can't take the time to read them, then why should I take the time to read your request?

16. Please post forms ONLY in the forms chapter indicated for the graphic you'd like to request! (All the chapters with the forms are titled to let you know where the forms are) If you post anywhere else I will delete your form and not consider the request until it is properly posted!

17. This one isn't so much a rule as information for you, I honestly don't give a flip where you find your images (if you provide any on your form). This is wattpad, I have yet to find a copy right holder who gives a crap if their stuff is used for a graphic on here, unless of course you're showing it off in a bad light or it's been taken from an already published work. Unless your book is involved in the coin program and you're making money from it, feel free to find your images anywhere on the world wide web. You aren't making money off the images and most copy right holders will find that it's not worth their time (and their lawyer's time) to argue the point that you've used their image without permission. However, this doesn't mean I will pull someone's name off a graphic (such as the cover of an already published book) and slap yours on it. I will only design from scratch. I will not claim someone else's work as mine no matter how much you love the graphic you found and how perfect it is for your book, that is plagiarism. As long as an image used has changes made to it and the final product is distinctly different from the original we're all good.

18. I reserve the right not to deliver a graphic if I don't feel comfortable with something. Whether it's changes being done or the way you wish the final design to look.

19. If I discover your profile breaks any of Wattpad's rules or guidelines and I haven't delivered your graphic, you won't be getting it. I do not want my account affected if you're gets slapped by Wattpad for breaking the rules

20. If you've made it here, thank you for reading all of my rules, you are an awesome person. Give yourself a pat on the back and have a cookie (or six).

From the Depths Graphic Shop **CLOSED-ish**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz