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I will only be accepting requests for the graphics listed in the book, unless you have discussed it with me prior to requesting

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I will only be accepting requests for the graphics listed in the book, unless you have discussed it with me prior to requesting.

If you have any questions about anything feel free to PM me! 

If you have any questions about anything feel free to PM me! 

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Payment  Option 1:  

credit me for the graphic in the book or in your about me (depending on what the graphic is)

a follow on ONE of these accounts, 1 follow per payment - DarkAngelGraphics (this account), VictoriaKaer or Carter-n-Kaer or Silas-n-Kaer (please don't follow all of the accounts for a single graphic request)

a shoutout on your message board about my shop (with a link to it) to your followers and also tag me

 add my graphic shop to a reading list

(You must do all of the above for the payment)

Payment Option 2: 

credit me for the graphic in the book or in your about me (depending on what the graphic is)

a chapter read on one of the following Generation Next (X-Men fanfic) on VictoriaKaer. Strange Relations (Supernatural Fanfic)Kingdom of Lothoria, or Stargate Defense (Stargate Fanfic) on Carter-n-Kaer Please do a 3+ line constructive comment 

🌟If you are already following all of my accounts please do a chapter read for your payment🌟

Please, do not unfollow me and then request another graphic so you can do the follow payment again. It's rude, you're taking back your previous payment as if it didn't matter.

These folks are my peeps, they request often and I've done many graphics for them

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These folks are my peeps, they request often and I've done many graphics for them.

To that end, they are already following me everywhere and have most likely read all my stuff, their payment is to give credit for the graphic made and if they haven't read everything, they can read but it isn't required cause they're just that awesome!



From the Depths Graphic Shop **CLOSED-ish**Where stories live. Discover now