Chapter Twenty-Five

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Craigs POV

"Ello Tucker want your usual?"


"Coming right up"
A waitress winks at me from across the joint and I attempt to politely decline whatever she is implying by giving her the smallest smile possible.

Yeah I don't think she gets it.

I sit at 'my' red stool. The stool that I sit at every day at the exact same time.
No one would ever dare touch this seat anywhere between 4 to 5pm.
It's MINE.

If I'm not sitting on it I'm going to sit on it.
And if I'm sitting on it need I say more?

"Long day at work eh."

"You don't even know the half of it"

"At least you get to sit on your ass all day."

"Not true." I argue.

"It baffles me how you can still be so tired when you get home, bizarre."

"Shut up Kevin ugh just make the drink I need it."

He rolls his eyes but not in a serious way.
We've always had a bit of a playful rivalry, Such fucking fun.

*Flashback craigs 7th grade*

No ones POV

"Um who the fuck is this hoe?"

"Craig you know Kevin, he's in our science and maths and and Art and man is he good at art"

Craig watches as the poorer boy blushes.
Something wasn't straight here.
Something was very very not straight.

"So let me guess you two are gonna go off and leave me so I'll have to hang out with Clyde..."

"Hey I'm right here you know"

"Shut up Clyde. Michael you are not smashing our friendship over this sad little depressing bitch."

"Craig can we take him in pleaseeeeeeee. I promise I'll feel him, I'll walk him, I'll pet him."

Craig can't help the smile that breaks onto his face.
"You'll clean up his shit?"
"Yes yes yes."

Craig silently agrees to the gothic boys pleads.
He goes back to playing hopscotch.

Deep down he knew from that day his best friend would be in a way stolen from him.
But he didn't care.
Because Michael was happy and so was whoredick, Kevin; the most hated boy at school.
He was the key to Michael happiness even if he himself didn't know it.

Year by year the teasing became flirting
The flirting turned into experimenting although Michael knew full well that he was gay.
Same goes for Kevin but they'll never admit that and the cycle of being friends to fucking, only friends to friends with benefits continued.

They never had to tell craig about their little encounters because cmon it's Craig.
He's not blind.
However craig secretly loved the idea of his best friend being gay with his sort of friend because it ment that Kevin would never fill that gap.
The best friends gap.
The gap that truly is the most important.

*flashback ended*

Back to Craigs POV

Kevin passes me my order.
The thing I drink every day.

Ever since the age of 7 I've been obsessed with this place.
I obviously would never wanna work here like Kevin though.
I remember the good old days.
Him, I and Michael...... AND SOMETIMES TWEEK?!

Yes, yes I remember.
Tweek would always get........Oreo just like me.
The Oreo milkshake extra thick with whipped cream!!!

Yeah I'm at a diner if you didn't pick that up already, bars aren't my thing.

Plus the only good bar in town is the one my dad is probably at right now.
It's not like he's ever gonna do anything else with his life but drink himself to death.
Probably because of his disappointment of a son.

I sigh.
There's so much wrong with me.

I don't know how to make anything right though.
My eyes wonder round the room to meet the face of that waitress.
This time she does a little wave, hm.

"This isn't really what I had in min-"

"Just please I really need your help."

The girl who I now know as Mercedes keeps her top up as I stare at her tits.
They're good tits don't get me wrong but.......
I don't really like them.

"Uh thanks."

I begin to walk off from the back of the diner.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

I sigh looking back.

"If you ever wanted to do something other then stare at my rack...."
She leans a piece of paper on my chest while writing.
"Here's my number."

She winks walking back through the staff door.

I stare at the number about to rip it up when suddenly........


Kevin comes running out of the diner to assist me knowing about all the shit heads that hang about here.

"What's wrong do you need the police????!"


I can feel my throat tightening as my breath gets heavier and heavier.

Kevin dials the number and passes me the phone.

"Hello what seems to be the problem."

"I'd like to report an assault......yes.......easy..........brown, small, most likely french bull but I can't be certain that would be racist."

Kevin raises an eyebrow at me and the officer on the line sighs.

"Sir what happened?"


"Have a good evening sir."

Kevin tuts.
"Typical Craig, such a drama queen."

I hit him on the head before leaving for home.
I hate the cops.

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