Chapter Three

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Tweeks POV

"He's very sensitive about his hair" I say to the taller male who is still looking at me weirdly.

I huff and sit at the piano.
Will he leave or stay.
Leave or stay.
Stay or.

A small alarm cuts through my gentle playing.
I turn to see he's still here sitting on one of those green things.
His eyes lock with mine.
"Meds" I say pointing to my little alarm clock on my wrist which is causing the sound.

He nods understandingly and almost leaves.
He turns to me.

"Can you please get me a glass of water? I don't know where the kitchen is."
"Yeah of course, Tweek"

The way he says my name gives me chills.
Chills I tell ya.
Maybe it's just his overall way of speaking.
It's so unique.

I wait patiently, it doesn't take long for him to return.
"Here you go" he passes me the cup.
I thought he'd want to leave but instead he once again sits on the green seat.
I can feel his eyes piercing through the back off my head.

I retrieve my medication from my pocket.
I find this little container very handy.
Every time I need my pills it's the same dosage.
One of each.

"You done gawping at me yet?" I ask giving him a glance.
He just smirks, "more like admiring."
I roll my eyes.
"You're very pretty." He says getting up.

"Oh so you leave now after giving me a compliment?"

"Well it's what happens in every rom-com right?"

"But this isn't a......."
"Just go with it."
"Boomers are so weird" I mutter loud enough in order for him to hear.
"Excuse me! I am 22, not some 50 year old fat man."
I laugh at his annoyance.

He exits my room finally!
I place my hand back on the keys and begin to play my all time favourite song.
I don't know why out of all the songs I know this one sticks out.

"It's a new life for me. And I'm feeling good"
I've always loved the sound of that. I remember me and Michael used to come up with these cool little routines to entertain ourselves.
But my brother is more of a singer than me.
Professionally he's a producer but obviously he has to be able to sing himself to do his job properly.

I remember how we used to sing together all the time.
Man those were the days.

*2 hours later*

I hear my phone ring and pick it up without looking at who it is.

"Bro, come downstairs soon I'm making ya something to eat."

"What is it?"

"Craig's dick"

"Ew what's wrong with you."
"Many things"

He then ends the call.
Why does he need to call me when we're literally in the same house.
This just proves that people are very lazy nowadays especially my brother.

I leave my room and make my way down the stairs.
I haven't even unpacked anything but oh well.
I get to the bottom of the stairs and follow my nose rather than my shit sense of direction.

My brothers best friend (South Park creek)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant