He held his arm out for me to link mine in and I rolled my eyes before doing so. "I think the magnet works both ways," I smirked. I elbowed his ribs and he chuckled as we headed up the stairs and into the casino. 

"What if they ask for IDs?" I questioned. 

"They can't, they're not law enforcement. They're not even allowed to," Noah shrugged in response. We headed inside and I noticed the security at the entrance eyeing us suspiciously but letting us through because as Noah said, they can't ask for identification. 

Once we entered, we all headed to the dealer to trade money for chips I assume, I know that much. Noah got $500. That's a lot of money to blow at a casino, hopefully, he leaves with more than that. After the guys traded the money, they all gave each other a look/nod, and then we all started walking in different directions. 

"Was that some sort of code or something?" I chuckled. 

"No," he laughed, "Just like an agreement. We probably won't see each other again tonight. We all play different things," he shrugged. 

"And what do you play?" I questioned. 

"Roulette," he winked, leading us to the table. Everyone stood in a circle around the table, the dealer accepting bets. "Still making bets?" Noah asked. The dealer nodded in response. He put out $100. 

"Are you supposed to put $100 in one go?" I asked, actually interested in how this works. 

"You put however much you want. You want all in?" he asked. 

"No," I said quickly, my eyes widening a number. 

"Okay!" the dealer said before spinning the wheel. The numbers flashed up on a small screen. 

"Pick a number from the screen," Noah nodded. 

"Me?" I asked in shock. He nodded. "No, not me. I don't know how this works or what to consider while choosing," I explained. 

"Just pick a number. Trust your intuition. Take a breath, pick a number." 

"I'll owe you $100!" 

"No, you'll win more, trust yourself, pick a number. Now."

I sighed and took a deep breath. "Thirteen," I said. 

The dealer turned to Noah. "Thirteen," he said. 

Who even bets on thirteen, Bella? It's considered unlucky. I'm about to make him $100 poorer. 

"No more bets!" the dealer announced. The wheel began slowing down, the ball stopped bouncing and settled on one number. "Number thirteen wins! $6000!" 

"We won! Oh, my god! We won!" I laughed, grabbing his arm. He chuckled, watching me as I looked up at the screen which highlighted the slot for thirteen in green. I turned to him, "How did I do that?" 

"You trusted yourself," he shrugged. 

"What now?" 

"What now?" he scoffed, "We're just getting started," he smirked. 


I walked out of that casino $25,000 richer! $25,000! Noah won $50,000 total and split the money with me. I don't understand how we did it, but both of us won almost every single bet we made. 

"Now that you're $25,000 richer, what are you gonna do with it?" he chuckled. 

"Save half of it, spend half of it," I replied, smiling helplessly, "I got $25,000 because of you tonight," I grinned at him. 

"You won that just as much as I did," he shrugged. We exited the casino, figuring that the others would either still be in there and get to the hotel later or were already there. "Had fun?" he asked while I took out my phone to dial Mr. Jenkins. 

Poor Mr. Jenkins, he probably had to circle earlier to take someone else home from the others if the girls called him. 

"Yeah, I did actually," I laughed. I asked Mr. Jenkins to come pick us up before putting my phone back inside and turning to him. 

"You are now a pro at roulette," he chuckled. 

"I wouldn't go that far," I laughed. 

"I would, you won every single bet. Except one," he shrugged, "And that only lost me $50." 

I chuckled while Mr. Jenkins pulled up. We slipped inside and he drove us back to the hotel where we climbed out and headed for the elevator. 

As soon as we stepped in, I grabbed his shoulder and pulled off my heels with my free hand. "It's just too much pain," I mumbled. He smiled while shaking his head while the elevator doors opened. We got out and began walking to our rooms. "I had a lot of fun, seriously. Thank you," I smiled while stopping at my door. 

"Anytime," he smirked, leaning against his door, facing me. 

"How long are you here for?" I asked. 

"Two weeks, heading back home after that," he answered. 

"We're here for two weeks too," I chuckled, "Would you be interested in making this a group trip?" I questioned. 

Amusement danced in his eyes while he looked at me, "Yeah, why not?" he shrugged. 

"Okay, good," I chuckled. 

"See you tomorrow?" he asked. 

"Yeah, sure thing. Goodnight," I said while pushing my door open.

"No goodnight kiss?" 

"Goodnight, Noah," I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Goodnight, Bella," he sang, opening his door while I stepped into my room, calling it a night.






Chapter seven

wtf would you do with $25,000?

next chapter: junkie

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