Chapter 9 - It's a trap!

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The name of the start-up, told by Marsh was "The Hawthorne Culmination" or THC. After finishing the presentation and discussion, the men appreciated Marsh's effort and told him, they will let him know about their decision, after three days as, it was the weekend, and seriously, everyone avoids working on weekends. Saying that, the men left and Marsh was still processing what had happened, he asked Workmenn if that was a positive or a negative response. To which, Workmenn replied, "Most probably, they will give a positive response as their expressions were reflecting a gesture of acceptance." To which, Marsh asked, "How do you know that?". Workmenn said, "It has been a pretty long time I have spent in this industry, boy, I can read their facial gestures well." Hearing this, Marsh was jumping with joy that he forgetting the fact that they were in an office, went and hugged Workmenn tightly and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Workmenn, I cannot believe what I am experiencing in my life right now but, this all so wonderful and that is all because of you." To which, Workmenn smiled and patted Marsh's head gently., just like a well-behaved, tamed puppy.

Yes, you got it very right, you all must be thinking till now Ohh! How kind and nice is Mr. Workmenn, what you all don't realize yet. it is all part of a bigger plan. He was taming the boy, making him well-behaved, a boy who respects him, loves him, and listens to his every word, a boy who would never even think of going against him, even in his dreams. He was intentionally doing favours to the boy, put so much pressure on his favours on the boy, that he could never say No to him, the burden of favours he can never get off his shoulders. Returning to the stream, Marsh waited for three days to get over, to hear from the board about their decision, and Voila! On Monday, they called up and informed Marsh that they were ready to invest in his idea and if everything went as per the presentation he showed, it was a win-win for both parties. They said they would deposit the required money that he asked for him to buy the necessary resources. For the next steps, Workmenn helped him and guided him with the work required. To manage, resources, workers, equipment, legal works, management, etc. In no time, the factory started producing new electronic devices, they started from small electronic devices and support products. 

Soon, a small-scale venture was all set up in JovialWiz, the local investors and product owners were coming to know the name of Marsh Winston. He and his team were coming to be known by the local electronic vendors and suppliers. Local distributors were approaching him for his products. THC was touching the skies of JovialWiz. This was the time when Workmenn asked Marsh to spread his wings wider and aim for Taciturn. To which, Marsh said, "You are right, Mr. Workmenn, but, till now we have a small-scale based business and now, what you are asking me to do is going large scale which would obviously, require more investment, more resources, more labour and also a bigger finance team to manage the money matters." To which, Workmenn replied, "Leave the financial team hiring issues to me, I will arrange it, I'm well aware of the best people we should hire for finance. About investors, let's first try to reach out to Taciturn, and also your father's advice would be very helpful as he is an established businessman there, he must be well aware of who would be interested in investing there!". Marsh replied, "Yes, that would be a great idea, that way I'll be also able to stay in touch with family but, when are we planning to visit Taciturn." It was already evening so, Workmenn replied, "Let's leave the day after tomorrow, you could utilize tomorrow's day to do packing up and also buying some gifts you would want to take to your parents and your loved ones, maybe" and left with a smile.

The next day Marsh bought beautiful clothes and sweets to take back to his home, he wanted to buy so many things for his parents but, there was not much space he could keep them in so, he bought whatever he thought was new and very much required at his home. Apart from all that, there were two specific things he bought for his parents, a battery-run lamp for his mom, as he always saw her working in the dim street light whenever electricity got cut off and the other thing he bought, were two mobile phones, each for his mom and dad so, that they could stay connected with each other, anywhere, any time. The next day, in the evening, Workmenn and Marsh got ready before time and boarded the JollyMolly train when it came, the next day morning they reached Taciturn. When Marsh got off the train and saw his same old Taciturn station, tears came in his eyes, he even missed those rustling dry leaves, that ruins, that piercing sunlight, that smell of old metal and furniture. After coming out of the station, they managed to get a lift from a car passing by, which was going nearby Marsh's home so, they were dropped at his place, all lethargic but fine.

As Marsh rang the bell and his mom opened the door, he left the luggage on spot and hugged his mom tightly. She hugged him back, kissing him all over his face, both in tears and sobbing. He missed that love and care, he missed her so much. Workmenn was witnessing all that and he said interrupting, "I know, you guys have plenty much ti share, cry and laugh but, would you mind, ma'am if we can get in and sit at ease. We are very tired from the journey and also famished." To which, Marsh's mom replied, "Ohh! I am so sorry, Mr. Workmenn, I'm so stupid, seeing Marsh after such a long time, I forgot even inviting you in. Please, sir, come in and have a seat. I will quickly arrange for some fresh water and towels for you both to get fresh and change. Till then, Marsh's dad will also return home, then, we can have our food."

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