Present,Future, and Past

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As I we eat the food I cooked I ask the little pups how they ended up like this. Carlos said that they were in a pack but they got treated badly so he had to take Eva somewhere else that would treat them better. I look at him and ask him to tell or show me where they hurt them. He looked at Eva and she nodded she got up end lifted for shirt I looked at the scars that ran across her body and thought they must have been done by a silver laced whip. Then I look at Carlos and say "do you have any scars" he hesitated for a second then pull up his shirt too as I look at them I say "its gonna be okay now I'll protect you" they both ran up and hugged me and began to cry as I hold them. Soon after they cried I heard soft snoring and knew they had fallen asleep. I tuck them into my sleeping bag and I shift to curl around them and soon darkness came.

Time skip (next day)
I wake up and look around and give the air a sniff. Then I uncurl shift and start packing up with the kids still asleep as I pack once I was all packed I woke them up. Seeing as I didn't cook breakfast I gave them some jerky I had. Then we set sail towards the west as we walk I noticed that Eva and Carlos were getting tried so I shifted and told them to get on as we continued. We came across border scent I walked into the pack as we walk I hear growling I look and say "I don't want any trouble I'm just looking to get some supplies is all" as I came face to face with a warrior. Then they say "you can go but I don't want any trouble out of you got it?" "Yes I got it" I replied and continued walking to the market.

 I put the pups down and shift I put Eva on my shoulders while Carlos said he wanted to walk. We walk into the as we are browsing the market I see a stall selling bread I walk over and ask if the little old lady would trade me a loaf for some mushrooms and a deer pelt I had gotten. But she looked at Eva and Carlos and said "one's not gonna be enough with these two" then she gave us two for the price of one as I thanked the lady she said "I'm just looking out for those who need it" then we went to trade some other things for cash in the end we walked out with 500.00$ I took Eva and Carlos to a clothing store and they went wild because they had never gotten new clothes before we went in with 500 and came out with 250. As we were leaving we heard a commotion.


Thank you for reading and I made any mistakes its because my brain is a bit fried. Anyways go check out my other book "If Loving You Is Wrong" and let me know how you like it.

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