Start from the beginning

"I think I have something that can help."

Yukimi rummaged through her small backpack, taking out her spare peppermint-scented ointment, snug inside her first-aid pouch. There are hidden coves inside the said girl's backpack at times. There are instances where she brought her first-aid kit (also her essential) pouch wherever she goes. One never knows if a scratch might be visible after an accidental trip on the sidewalk or if hyperventilation happened in the middle of public space. Yukimi just liked to be prepared ー also, probably brought by her short time in being Nekoma's manager. After having the small bottle of ointment in her hand, the caramel-eyed girl turned to Kiyoko with a smile that reached her eyes.

Kiyoko nodded in gratitude, her eyes crinkling at the corners at the duration of her smile, which never ceased to be painted on her lips whenever her friend comes around. It was established in the bespectacled girl's mind that Yukimi had that effect around people and wondered that this is probably one of the reasons why Nekoma's scary captain fell in love with her in the first place. Like what Hitoka said, Yukimi is the personification of first love, and the rain of cherry blossoms during spring's first breath. "I think that would help Hitoka-chan a lot, Yukimi-chan," she finally said, walking beside her casually dressed friend.

The two exchanged smiles with each other, feeling the string connecting the two of them becoming tauter as each step resounded on the parking lot, their destination of star hair-ties and jittery nerves looking relieved at the pair's presence.

While Kiyoko and Yukimi stopped in front of Yachi, Daichi's gaze turned softer as he witnessed his best friend welcome other people in her universe, something that she was unaware of doing the whole she started smiling genuinely. Whoever said that his most treasured friend was just a drifting planet? Hell, she is more than that ー rather, Yukimi is the heart of her solar system. It was just last night when he overheard Yukimi talk to Kuroo on the phone as he went back to his room from a bath and just the sniffles from the girl told everything of what they were talking about. Of course, he felt compelled to enter his room and offer her kind words but knowing that Kuroo is trying his very best to make her feel whole, Daichi could only smile and went downstairs to fetch two glasses of banana milk and let the couple have their heart-to-heart talk.

The girl who cried to him every night about her hollowed-out chest during middle school became someone who filled the holes in others, her days coloring the brightest colors from a watercolor set. Daichi prayed that it would last long.

The dark-brown haired boy then shook his head out of nowhere, scaring Sugawara and Asahi beside him, and erased every bit of negativity in his mind as he faced forward with a determined visage. His eyes then met with Yukimi's own, with the latter grinning from ear to ear and raising her fist slightly in a silent wish of good luck. With his friend being a contagious person, Daichi found himself mirroring the girl's wide smile. He had every reason to win, aside from trusting his teammates with full percentage and training vigorously for this dayー

ー The one person he wanted to be in the stands, cheering for him at the top of her lungs, is finally here.

It was all he needed to win.

It was all he needed to win

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