Author's note

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So I've been writing a Draco Malfoy fanfic for about a few weeks now and as I was writing it I realized I was falling in love with the idea of Fred Weasley. It also doesn't help that my tiktok went from Draco Malfoy to the Weasley's so I'm a little obsessed at the moment.

This one is going to be an X Reader which I have never done before so please bare with me! I look forward to writing it for all of you, and I hope you're able to enjoy it!

Also shoutout to @alexspotatoes for making me fall in love with He Calls Me Love. This fanfic is dedicated to you. Also everyone please go check it out because it's brilliant! 

(y/n) = your name 

(y/h/c) = your hair color

(y/e/c) = your eye color

Please don't be too mad but I did decide to give your character a last name. I feel like it would just help the story flow a little bit better. 

Soft Whispers - Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now