"That's bad," the girl's grating voice was in his left ear, as he jumped, screaming out of his wits. The girl seemed to have teleported right with him, and Ayato had no idea what to expect from this weird girl.

"Hey, tell me your name and I'll tell you what you want," the girl said, her eyes twinkling with madness inside them. Ayato didn't need to wait for her to show him a crazier part of her, he was done with this much already. "A-Ayato."

He stumbled upon a branch as the girl came closer, and as soon as he hit the ground she laughed, her sound extremely jarring to his ears. Who was she? What did she want?

"Well, first off, Sakamaki Ayato," his name rolled off her tongue so effortlessly, he didn't know why but he felt a shiver run down his spine. "That childish attitude of yours. Fix it. Nobody likes a freaking loser who thinks the world revolves around him."

"Fuck you as well."

The girl looked at him with contempt in her eyes. "Don't test me, vampy boy, I'm only here to help you."

"I don't need your help." Who did she think she was?

"Too bad, you do now," she curled up a wisp of her black hair around her fore finger, playing with it. "The little human you liked to play with is in trouble and you keep hunting for new girls to suck off of? Bad boy. I did NOT expect this from Aya-chan."

Ayato was taken aback. "The fuck you mean by that? Chichinashi is in trouble?" The vampire leaned back and laughed. "That bastard ran away from me as soon as she saw the opportunity. Why should I care about her?"

"Because she's the only one that can resolve your mommy issues, stupid."

"Who ya callin stupid, bitch?" Ayato snarled at her. "And I don't have mommy issues, okay?"

The girl-the Traveller-skipped close to him, humming. "Yeah, you do. You want mommy to caress you, hold you close and give you attention, right? You should have thought better when you killed her."

"Fucking wench!" A surge of emotions was sent through Ayato's heart as he felt his eyes getting wet with tears. He'd never cried after that day at the lake... why now? What magic did the girl possess to make him behave like that? He swore under his breath as he raised his arm, wiping his tears on his long sleeve.

"Aww, already crying?"

"Shut up!"

"But it's true right?" The girl giggled, kneeling down, her sandals digging into the dirt, "It's true that you want someone to love you, right? The way your mother never did?"

What was this girl on? "What if I did?"

The girl tutted gently, raking her hand through his coarse hair. He swatted it away. "Get to the point."

"Well, there is no one in the world that would learn to love someone as hideous as you, that's for sure." She paused to see his reaction. When she was sure he didn't bat an eyelid, she asked him, "Well, what do you have to say about this?"

"About no one loving me?" Ayato gave her a desperate smile. "Well, you established it yourself. My own mother didn't love me."

The girl cupped his chin in the palm of her hand. This time, he didn't flinch. "Only Komori Yui will understand your heart, dumbass." She chuckled. "And she's the only one who would remain with you till the end of your own time as well."

He blinked back tears. "But... isn't she a human?"

Th girl looked at him, a dumb expression on her face. Then she howled into laughter. She suppressed her giggles into her fist as she composed herself, saying in a haughty voice, "Do you think a normal human would be able to hold a demon's heart inside them?"

𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘: 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊Where stories live. Discover now