Chapter 20

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As soon as they reached the mansion, Yui climbed down the limo, her hand snatching her bag and dashing towards the mansion, without looking back. The sky was cracking with the first rays of the sun, and a crow flew past her, as though in a race against her. Her cheek was scraped with its wing, but she didn't care. Her legs were loaded with adrenaline, as she pumped all her life into the act of fleeing away from them, away from her kidnappers. She'd already made peace with the fact that they could emotionally manipulate her whenever they wished, and whatever she could not provide them, they would snatch away from her.

Reiji's principles and policies were too much to bear for her. She had had enough of his strict behaviour and his awful punishments. Her sense was already knocked out with the kiss Ayato and she had shared. A warm, fuzzy feeling crept up from behind her belly button, upwards, spreading through her bloodstream. She didn't want to stop. She knew the slightest disobedience would warrant an obvious whipping from Reiji. And who knows what he would do once he got to know about what she had done with Ayato. She remembered the last time when she was inside the library, her hot blood spilling on his open mouth as he drunk from her happily, chiding her for being careless with Yuma.

She finally reached the flight of stairs, her feet taking her up towards second floor, while she noticed Reiji as she turned towards the right, her eyes locking with him. He stood there, in front of the gate, his expression stoic, before he finally smiled. His grin was overflowing with a malice Yui had never seen before. Her heart pumped blood across her body, her legs losing their sensation. She was about to turn away before catching him disappear right in front of her eyes. Where did he go? She found herself dumbfounded, not stopping to hide yet not bothering to pick her pace up. What should she be doing instead? Stop before he'd come chasing after her?

Yui spotted a room in the corner of the long corridor, and found a ray of hope. Most doors had been closed and locked, but this one was not, as she caught a ray of light from the open latch. She pushed the door and closed it shut after her, leaning against it, breathing hard, collecting her thoughts. She wouldn't catch Reiji by the sound of his footsteps, but Reiji wouldn't come in unannounced. He was theatrical in certain ways, and preying was just one of those things. She was aware that she was keeping him entertained with her escaping act, and while it would indeed keep him engaged, it would only make her punishment a bit more strict.

She even bothered to latch the door, not that Reiji would be stopped by that little inconvenience. He would simply knock the latch out with his bare hands if he has to. She backed away from the door, expecting him to knock the door right in her face and injure her, inviting all the brothers to suck her blood out of her. Her shoes squeaked as she backtracked, hearing footsteps outside. The room was lit by an old fashioned lamp, her vision aided with yellow light. She became aware of the tall shadow being cast on the door a little too late. Her back collided with something hard, and her shoulders were gripped by two strong hands holding her firmly. She dared to take a look, as her hair scratched the bottom of his jaw.

"Your behaviour is pitiable," Reiji said, pulling her by her elbow, as she struggled, and strapping her to a chair in the middle of the room. This couldn't be happening, she thought. This wasn't real. Her mind was getting foggy already, trying to distance itself from the trauma she was about to experience, dissociating. That was until Reiji slapped her right across the cheek, and went back to tightening the straps around her ankles.

"I've told you, time and again, to stay disciplined." He sat down on the red carpet, his chin resting on her knees, her skirt being lifted by his right hand. The contact made her shiver. He suddenly got up, and Yui was gagged with a leather strap, her breath quickening, her mind going blank for several seconds, before Reiji smacked her yet again, waking her up.

𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘: 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant