Your first words and Aunt Nya- Cole

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You were 12 months old and could already walk but not talk. You were searching for your daddy Cole you two were playing a game of hide and seek after 10 minutes you just got bored and ditched him.

Instead you went to look for crayons to draw on the wall again or something. You searched in the kitchen and saw your aunt Nya eating something.

"Y/N , do you want some cake too?" You started to cheer happily as Nya sat you down on a chair as she went to the fridge to get another piece of cake and placed it on the table you were sitting on you smiled and grabbed a big chunk of cake with your hands and started eating it.


"Y/N! Y/N!" It was Cole shouting your name trying to find "You didn't ditch me off again! Right!" Cole searched everywhere for you until he found you sitting down on the chair eating  his CAKE!

"Noo! Y/N you know that's my cake why did you eat it!"Ò_Ó he said getting all mad (Yes Cole fighting over cake)

You smiled and started laughing."Hey Cole she was hungry so let her eat it" Nya said annoyed

"Er... that's the third time you done that Y/N thats it I'm done!" Cole said storming off

"I'm sorwy daddy" you said. Cole turned around frozed right on that spot. You stood up trying to figure out what's wrong with him or if you two were playing statues again.

"Aww, Y/N just said her first words" Nya started saying. Cole turned around and looked straight into you C/E color eyes then he smiled and picked you up

"Y/N did you just say just-"

"Said her first words yes, yes she did" Jay said standing by the door holding a camera recording you "And I recorded everything since Nya told me to record her"

Jay was just about to leave when he stopped and turned to Cole "Oh, ya the other times Y/N didn't eat your cake it was me" he said smiling And taking off

"What!" Cole shouted with a angry face he set you down and patted your head " I'm gonna get you Jay" Cole said running to get Jay

You just smiled and continued to eat your cake with your Aunt Nya.

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