The beginning

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I have to find somewhere to set up camp for the night I thought to myself and Bruce. Bruce is my wolf yes he's a male and I'm a female. "Agreed" bruce replied. I continue to walk in the forest then I see a small patch under a tree where I can set up. As I'm about to start setting up I hear a twig snap I quickly jump up onto a tree branch to see who it was. 

I saw six wolves come into the clearing and I overhear one of them say that they were going to attack the pack right on the borders of no mans land. I hop into another tree so I can get the drop on them. They hear me move but the still can't see me so I take the opportunity to drop down on one of them and break its neck. The other one next to it tackles me trying to go for my neck but since I always keep weapons on me I was able to stab it. It jumped back in pain as I got up and shifted into my jet black wolf and growl they were shocked for some reason then shock turn into fear as I began charging the one that tried to kill me I quickly latch onto its throat ripping it out in one swift motion.

 The others decided that they would attack together I jumped back as they all crashed into each other then I grabbed one by the back leg and toss it into a tree so hard I hear a snap. One of the other wolves gets up and tries to attack from behind but I duck and grab it by the back leg and slam it into the ground and I rip it's throat out. I look at the other two and they were shaking and smaller than the others. "Shift" I say the two look at each other and do as I say as they shift I see that they are nothing but kids. One looks at me and say "please don't kill her take me instead" he looks about 12 I'd say I look at them and say "why were you with them?" The boy answered "they said that if we helped them they would let us stick around" I look at who the boy was trying to be  brave for and saw a little girl about 10 and she was a bit skinny.

 I looked back at the boy and asked "what are your names?" "My name is Carlos and her's is Eva. "Well Carlos and Eva would you like to travel with me" I say as I shift back. "Yes we would" said a little voice coming from behind Carlos. I look at them and say "we guys are rogues now so we will be by ourselves" I look at me and nod "and one more thing if you see or hear anything let me know I'm what's called a rogue hunter" the nod again "now let's get you something to eat" I say as they both look a little thin and I set up camp and cook the food on the campfire.


Well how was the first chapter you guys let me know in the comments and if you could check out my other book "If Loving You Is Wrong" that would be appreciated thank and till next time

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