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By the time I was able to get to the front desk, I was too late. They told me that Alex's surgery had already begun. It would be about three hours until I could see him. Thankfully, the news report I'd heard was inaccurate. Alex was not in critical condition, however he was having surgery on his arm, and most likely had a serious concussion. 

"Do you want me to take you home, and bring you back later?" Tyler asked. 

"No! I'm not leaving. You can go if you want. I'll figure it out," I said, my voice cracking. 

Tyler wrapped his arms around me, as I cried into his shoulder. 

"I just... I feel like its my fault or something. We fought right before he left the party, and..." 

"Shhh, it'll be alright," Tyler soothed, as he stroked the back of my hair. 

"But what if it's not? I'll lose everything," I sobbed. 

We sat down in the waiting area. 

"Listen to me, Jess. You'll always have me. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'll always be here for you... for whatever you need. And listen, I'm sorry I've been such an ass about us. I never should have pushed you when you were uh.. in a relationship."

"Thanks, Tyler, but I must ask... what made you go to the party with Madison?" 

"Ahh.. so you do care," he teased. "Well I'm sure you figured out, she's my ex that I told you about. Anyway, she texted me yesterday after I left your house. When I told her I was in the area, she invited me to that party. To be honest, I was upset, and saw it as an opportunity to make you jealous," he explained.

It was the second part of what he said that crushed me, "But, you know it turns out, I'm glad I went, not because of you, or you and Alex, but because I had fun. I guess what I'm trying to say is that seeing Madison made me second guess my lost feelings for her."

"Your lost feelings?" I asked him abruptly, "How about your drunk feelings?" 

Tyler was quiet. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. As long as she makes you happy, that's really great. You deserve to be happy Tyler," I said with a change of attitude.

"You too," he replied, "You wanna go get lunch at the cafe downstairs?" 

"Nah, I'm tired. I'll just stay here, but go if you're hungry."

I leaned my head against the back of the seat, and lightly dozed off. 


"Jess!" Tyler pushed on my shoulder, to wake me.

A nurse was standing in front of us. We stood up, anxious to hear the news.

"Alex, did fine in surgery."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"But... he hasn't woken up yet. He seems to be in a temporary coma, but it looks like he'll come out of it shortly," the nurse spoke. 


"When can I see him?" 

"His parents are coming to visit soon. It is up to them to decide," she replied. 

Shortly after, a sad-looking couple walked in.

"Excuse me... are you Alex's parents?" I questioned. 

"Yes," his father replied sternly. 

"I'm Jess, Alex's... girlfriend, and this is my friend Tyler." 

"Pleasure to meet you," his mom said kindly, "I'm Amy and this is Dave."

"Let's go and see our son. Now," Dave said coldly. 

They began to walk by me. 

"Wait! Would you mind if I came with you?" I asked. 

His mom looked like she was about to say yes, when his father said, "Immediate family only." 

"Sorry," Amy said. "Maybe another time." 

"Come on, let's go," Tyler said, grabbing my arm. 

"I'm not leaving."

Tyler let out a sigh and sat back down. After another hour or so passed, his parents came out. As his mom passed, she whispered to me, "He's still not awake. I gave the nurse permission to take you back. We're going to grab some food. Be quick." 

"Thank you," I mouthed back. 

Tyler and I followed the nurse back to Alex's room. 

I cringed at the sight of Alex. He laid there with bandages all over his body, his arm in a cast, and an IV in his other arm. His face was bruised too. I cried some more at the sight of him and ran into Tyler's arms. Tyler reassured me again to not worry. I don't know what I was thinking, but I leaned in and pushed my lips into his. This time, it lasted. Tyler nor I, pulled away. His lips were soft and comforting. He kissed me back passionately, like there was nothing in the world that mattered more. I couldn't stop... until I heard my name.

"Jess," Alex croaked. 

Shit. How could I manage to screw everything up every time?

Before I was able to say anything, Alex attempted to attack Tyler. He leapt out of his bed, unstable from all the meds, and was on top of Tyler in no time. The wire connecting his IV, pulled the machine down with him. He was laughing as he smacked Tyler around on the floor. 

"Stop!" I yelled, but it didn't do any good. I ran to get the nurse. Soon, a bunch of nurses were prying Alex off of Tyler and back into his bed. He was still wild and rampant. They quickly shot a sedative into his IV, and within a few seconds he relaxed. His eyes fell closed. 

After we talked to the nurses about what happened, not including the kissing part, they left and sent us back to the waiting room. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Tyler. His right cheek looked bruised. 

"I'll be fine, but can we get out of here?" he asked. 

"I think that would be a very good idea," I replied with a heavy sigh. 


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