Strike: 6

45 2 0

A/N: I found this draft floating about too..



"Urr, Agent you seem to have left it on the sensor locking" Lance nervously spoke up with a weak smile as he couldn't open the jeep door as it locked on him once the others were out.

"Act like a child, get treated like a child" Was all James told him as he carried on walking. 

"Isn't it illegal to  leave a child locked in a car" Lance replied as he placed his hands on the window, trapped within the car.

"Not if its you trapped inside" Pidge teased over the coms. 

"Says the child who grounded at the office" Lance smugly shot back since Pidge wasn't allowed in the filed after her little stunt over pranking certain agents within the Garrison earlier that day. 

"Don't start a fight" Shiro frowned as he glanced to the Jeep, looking straight at Lance.

"Don't make me put Justin Bieber on" Pidge threatened over the coms not caring over Shiro words. 

"You wouldn't dare" Lance gasped in horror.

"Oh, I think we both know I would" Pidge grinned evily as she hovered her hands over her keyboard.

"Enough" Shiro yelled in dad mode making the two flitch even if one had the jeep keeping them apart and the other was left in the unit office.

"Can she really hack the car" Keith whispered as he leaned closer to Hunk.

"Yes, she done it before and she'll happily trap someone in the car with Justin Bieber songs blasting out of the radio .. its one of her favourite tortures since she can just mute the music for her end and watch as the poor souls trapped inside die screaming in clear pain" Hunk answered like a disappointment mother who got use to her child wrong doings. 

"Nice" Keith smirked impressed.

"No its not" Shiro sighed as he looked to Keith who shrugged.

"Don't encourage her" James begged slightly as he unlocked the jeep letting Lance hop out. 

"Hey Pidge,  did rover check around the house for us" Hunk asked as he looked to his halo watch not seeing Rover flash red to let them know its safe to move ahead with their orders. 

"Urr Pidgey" Lance asked as the girl didn't reply.

"Got any sevens" Pidge voice filled the coms slightly.

"Go Fish, got any Ace" Adam voice was heard.

"Damn, how are you so goo- your using the reflection of my glasses .. aren't you" Pidge started to grumble before going deadpan.

"Yep, So my win" Adam happy voice was heard.

"Fucking cheat" Pidge scoffed back, Adam laugh in the background was his reply.

"Pidge will you stop messing around and actually do your job" James huffed back. 

"Its clear, the house is empty and left untouched since the owner left hours ago. Go ahead, I did tell you if Rover didn't return then he already working on unlocking the door and turning of any alarms" Pidge sighed, clearly knowing she was working with idiots.

"Well, lets go check over the guy who ordered for the assassination attack, I'm sure he can give us some answers" Shiro smiled as they all started walking once more.

"We should move, just because he been out a couple hours already doesn't mean he won't be on his way back tonight" Keith mumbled, a little uneasy over this break in.

"Don't worry, I'm tracking him" Pidge replied with ease. 

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