Each Lonely Life

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Chapter Six- Each Lonely Life

Brooke woke in a strange, yet familiar bedroom. One filled with books and dirty clothes littered around the entirety of the room. The walls were a maroon color with a white crown molding. Posters of bands she listened to quite frequently were plastered loosely on the walls, the pins holding them together slowly inching away from the walls hold.

A desk with textbooks of all sorts were sprawled all over it's dark wood. Even a computer was dangling close to the edge, about to fall over and land in the trash can which was filled with crumpled pieces of paper.

She narrowed her eyes at a picture frame on top of the desk, the only straight thing on the messy room. The vicinity around the frame was spotless. Not a single piece of dust noticed.

Brooke gently trudged over to the frame on the far corner of the room and held it in her hands. The picture inside of it brought tears to her striking green eyes. Her cold fingers nipped at the picture inside of the black and white frame. Brooke read the four words that struck a cord through her heart.

I love you.


In the picture, Adam had Brooke in his arms. A gentle, passionate smile fell on his perfect features. His short, auburn hair looked as if he has just woken up. In fact, he had just woken up and was rushed out of his room by Brooke before he had the chance to fix his hair.

Even her own blonde hair was put up in a messy ponytail. She remembered the event that happened two weeks ago clearly.

She was so caught in the moment that she hadn't even seen the flash.

"Brooke?" A voice called from below her.

She put the picture back into place. "Coming!" She responded, playing with her blonde locks until she felt confident to go downstairs.

As she walked down the staircase, a figure appeared beside her. "It took you long enough," he whispered to her, his minty breath tickling her skin.

She giggled. "I had to make sure I looked presentable enough to your parents. I don't want to embarrass myself. I've done enough of that with you around."

Adam smirked behind her, his cobalt eyes glittering in mischief. "My parents love you, there's no need to be embarrassed in front of them."

"Liar," she scoffed. "Can't you see how much they hate me? They'd rather you be engaged to Brittany than this low life." She pointed to herself.

He growled lowly and a scowl replaced his facial structure. "You're not a low life." The scowl disappeared as he looked into her forest green eyes lovingly. She hadn't even noticed that they stopped in the middle of the staircase. "My mother and father are just too stupid to see what a wonderful person you are."

Tears struck Brooke's eyes. Adam lightly pecked her on the nose and took his large, comforting hands on her artistic ones. He brought them to his heart. "You feel this?"

She nodded.

"That's my heart pumping. It's pumping for you and no one else," he finished, taking her hands away from his and embracing her in a hug.

She nodded a once more against his buff shoulder, tears threatening to dampen his shirt. But Brooke refused and parted. She took in a breath and slipped her hand into his.

Everything then started to feel wrong. Shapes changed form, peoples facial features shifted into something diabolical.

Then, a push sent Brooke fumbling down the stairs.

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