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Yami's POV:

"What the hell?!" I jumped up, accidentally knocking over a table in my haste. Yugi's eyes widened in surprise at my voice, immediately starting to blush a bright crimson color.

"Y-yami?! What are you doing here?!" He cried, dropping the platter he was carrying.

"I should ask you the same thing, Yugi!!" I shouted, blood pounding through my head.

"C-calm down, Mou Hitori No Boku! You look like you're about to pass out!" He said soothingly.

"Answer my question, Yugi! What the hell is going on here?!! And what in Ra's name are you wearing??" I asked. Truth be told, I felt like I was going to pass out. Apparently I wasn't hiding that fact very well, because Yugi was by my side the moment my knees started to weaken.

"Sit down, Yami, you look like you're going to throw up!" He guided me back to the seat I'd been waiting in earlier, helping me to sit down before sitting next to me. 

"Now. Let me explain, Yami. Two and a half months ago, I got cornered on the street. Apparently, the guy thought I owed him a lot of money. Don't interrupt, Yami, let me finish," He said, stopping me before I could interject, "When I told him I didn't have money, he decided to employ me at his business to make it up. It was either that, or... You know. Anyways, I've been working here for about two months now. I kept it a secret because... Well, because I didn't want to be embarrassed or looked down on for this. I do private dances, and if the clients pay well, Rei lessens my time. I'm supposed to have five months left, but..." 

"Let me guess; he told you that if you did a good job and got good tips, he'd lessen your time by a few months, right? That's so predictable!!" I said grumpily.

"Yeah, that's exactly it. I honestly didn't know my client would be you, Yami. If I'd known, I'd have said no. You're wasting your money tonight!" Yugi said, worried about me as always.

"No, Yugi. I want to help you." I told him. 

"What do you mean, Yami?" 

"I mean, I'll pay tonight, and I'll come again every night until you've finished this nonsense." I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"B-but I can't do that! You're my friend, dancing for you would be awkward~!" He cried.

"You don't have to dance. Just talk to me. Our house is always busy anyways, so this gives us the perfect chance to catch up and hang out." I said. I could tell he was thinking a lot about this, but he finally nodded.


"Now, would you mind explaining what you're wearing...?" I asked, motioning to his clothes. They were made up of a skimpy netted top, Leather pants with chains at the sides, and a black leather collar.

"Umm..." He blushed, "I'm not really sure... I do hate it, though. It shows too much skin." He said, wrinkling his nose in distaste. I chuckled quietly at the sight.

"But, wait--! What are you doing here, Yami?" He asked me, making me blush slightly.

"I uh... I lost a bet to the other Darks." I said, my face heating up in embarrassment.

"Oh. But why a bar? And why a gay bar at that?" He asked curiously.

'Should I tell him...?' I mused to myself for a moment, 'He deserves to know, but... What if he hates me afterwards? No, he isn't like that! He wouldn't...' While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice as Yugi stared intently at me. Well, until he poked my cheek, that is.

"You know, you're kinda adorable when you're lost in thought, Mou Hitori No Boku." He said innocently, making me blush.

"And you're even cuter when you blush~!" He cooed, "It's not every day I get to see the great Pharaoh blush~!" He giggled, making me smile. I've always loved his laugh. From the day we met, back when I was still trapped as a spirit in the Millenium Puzzle, I'd always tried my hardest to make him happy, to see his bright smile, to hear his melodious laugh. 

"Are you alright, Yami? You keep getting lost in lala land!" My Light asked me curiously.

"I'm fine, sorry. Now, there's something I want to tell you." I said nervously.

"What is it, Yami?" He asked curiously, tilting his head to the side adorably.

'Why is this so hard?! I know it'll be okay. Even if he doesn't feel the same, he won't stop being my friend just because of it.' 

"Well, I... I... I like you, Aibou." I said, deciding to put it bluntly. I waited anxiously for his response, fiddling with my wristbands and staring at my shoes.

"I like you too, Yami~" He said happily. I looked up sharply at his words, only to see his innocent smile and closed eyes. I'd been with him long enough to know that he didn't understand the confession, as usual. Normally, I would brush it off and stop trying, but I didn't want to-I couldn't!- keep making myself suffer that way.

"Yugi," I said seriously, making him look back up at me, "Not like a friend. Like a lover."

I watched his face twist into a look of surprise, then confusion, then anger, then happiness. 

"Uh... Yugi?" I asked as he started to chuckle, "Are you alright?"

He laughed harder and shook his head, grabbing my hand.

"Yami, did you know you have the mind link open right now?" He said through his giggles, "You're so nervous, It's adorable!!! And I know you aren't joking with me because you aren't the kind of person who would do that. For a second there, I almost thought one of the other Hikaris put you up to that!" 

Now it was my turn to be confused.

'Why would Ryou or Malik put me up to anything...? Could it be... Does Yugi feel the same way about me?' I thought to myself.

/Yes, Yami. I do feel the same way. I thought you might not want to be with me anymore if I told you, so i kept it a secret. Just being close to you, living in the same house as you... I was okay with that, because I could be near you. But, now that I know you feel the same way.../ he cut into my thoughts, making me jump.

"Can I kiss you?" I blurted aloud before I could stop myself. My Light didn't say anything for a moment as a deep blush covered his features.

"Y-yeah" He said quietly, suddenly very shy. A smirk graced my lips before I captured his face in my hands, simultaneously leaning down and pulling him up so his soft lips met mine.

Our eyes met briefly before closing, revealing the thought we were both sharing, even without the mind link.

'I love him...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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