bucky || junk run

437 16 4

Reader is in their 20's, just pretend everyone gets along. 

Warnings: fluff

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Okay, I think that's the list!" Sam said, putting his pen down. 

Steve was pretty strict  on dieting for the team, meaning no junk food. He clearly under estimated the team's want for sugar. Every Sunday night, you and the team would gather in the conference room and make a list of the junk food you want, pick the "runners", Venmo them the money, and make up a cover as to why the "runners" weren't at the compound. It was tradition at this point. 

"Time to pick the runners!" Clint said, holding up a  bowl with slips of paper with each member of the teams' names. 

"This week's runners are, drumroll please!" He exclaimed. 

Tony tapped the table, imitating a drum.  dudududuudduudududud


The team clapped and impatiently waited to hear runner number 2.

"And y/n!!!"

The team congratulated you guys and began discussing the cover.

"Guys, keep it down, if Steve busts us, we're done!" Bruce whisper-yelled. 

Everyone continued to create a lie, this time much quieter. 

"I think we've got it!" Nat stood up, slamming her hands on the table. "Bucky lost a bet to y/n, and he has to go to a dance class with her! That should buy you a few hours!"

Everyone silently applauded and nodded in agreement. 

"Alright, here's the list, everyone drop 15 dollars into y/n's account, see you two when you get our snacks!" Sam said, pushing the two of you out. 

You and Bucky snuck out without a problem, once in the car, he leaned over and gave you a kiss. "I though we would never be able to get out of the tower together, doll." He said, with a big grin as he pulled out of the garage. 

"Me neither! What are we gonna do?" You asked, implying that the two of you should sneak around the city. 

"Get the snacks? What else would we do?" He clearly missed the hint. 

You huffed and crossed your arms. Nobody knew, but you and Bucky had been dating for the past 6 months. How nobody noticed? You have no idea. 

"I'm kidding, you'll see." He said, chuckling. 

You turned up the radio and had a mini karaoke party while you wondered where your boyfriend was taking you. You arrived near an empty hill.

"We're here!" He said getting out of the car and pulling a blanket out of the backseat. To say you were confused would be an understatement. 

"C'mon, slow-poke" He walked around to your side, opened the door and dragged you out. He took you by the hand and laid the blanket out over the grass. 

You loved seeing him like this. So happy and proud of himself, glowing with excitement.

"What are we doing!?" You asked, giggling. You felt like a teenager who was sneaking out past curfew. 

"You said you loved the stars!" He said, with a big smile, your small hands in his large ones. 

You lit up. The fact that he remembered was adorable on its own, but the fact that he had a blanket ready for the moment he could take you was even cuter. 

"Wow, Buck, I just..." You were truly speechless, no one had ever done anything like this for you. 

He laid down on the blanket and pulled you down on top oh him. You were both hysterically laughing. 

Once you both calmed down, you put your head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat and he drew circles on your back with his metal arm, and holding you tight with his other. 

After a while, you looked up and said "James Buchanan Barnes, I love you."

"y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n, I love you too." He said back, without hesitation.

This was the first time you had ever used the L word with each other and it felt amazing. 

You laid there for a few more minutes until he sat up and said "We should probably go on the actual junk run now." 

You gave him puppy dog eyes, you knew you had to go, but you really didn't want to. 

"C'mon" He said through a chuckle, and planted a kiss on your forehead, and helped you up. You both got in the car and went on the junk run. 

"Okay, we need 2 tubs of vanilla ice cream, a bag of m&m's, Cheeto puffs, a pack of Oreos, Hershey's kisses" Bucky read from the list. "Hmm, kisses..." You leaned up to give the Winter Soldier a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head so you ended up kissing his lips. You were cut off by a familiar voice. 

"y/n? Bucky?" You turned around and saw a very shocked Steve Rogers.

"Fuck" Bucky said under his breath. 

"Just say "Who the hell is Bucky", It worked last time"You whispered. 

"Shutup" He said, smiling, putting his hand over your face. 

"Uhhh, hey, Steve, funny that you're here...at this hour." Bucky said, while the two of you moved in front of the cart, covering the unhealthy contents inside. 

"Does the whole team know?" He asked

"Yeah, actually, they're all in on it..." Bucky said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Steve asked in an offended tone. 

"Well, we were...but you see, then-" You tried to explain.

"I would have supported you, I'm happy for you two, I just wish you had told me!" He exclaimed. 

You and Bucky both signed in relief, he didn't know about your junk run, he saw you kissing. A feeling of relief and terror simultaneously waved over you. 

"Haha, good to know, we're just gonna check out, and meet you at the tower, we can discuss there" Bucky said, trying to at least keep one of your secrets under wraps. 

"Okay...yeah, see you there." He said, walking away. 

"That was close!" You half whispered.

"He still knows about us!" Bucky said pointing between the two of you. 

"He would have to find out anyways, guess we have to tell the team." You said, still whisper- yelling.

"Oh darn, people are going to find out I'm dating the most gorgeous gal ever, this blows!" He said sarcastically, making you blush.

"Damn, and that I'm dating the sweetest and hottest man on the planet!" You replied, equally as sarcastic. 

"Shut up, doll face" He said pulling you in for a hug. 

"Make me, fossil" You replied with a cheeky smile. 

"Hmm...maybe later." He said with a smirk. 

"OoooOoo!" You said, wiggling your eyebrows. 

You finished your run and walked into the tower, only to see the whole team waiting for you at the door, and Steve standing in front of them with his arms crossed. 

"Tin man and pip squeak, got any news for us?" Tony asked with a cocky smile. 

Oh boy ...

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