Speaking of being a vampire, he was told that he now had a protective spell on him that would protect him from the sun and also make sure he was still able to have kids which he was thankful for. He loved kids and loved being able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. As he explored the castle the guards told him of the history of the castle and that it's been around for centuries but has been updated every ten years.

It was a beautiful castle and not at all as he would have pictured it. It was like a fairy tale castle with over ten thousand rooms in it including a huge kitchen, living room, dining room, bathrooms, bedrooms and a ginormous library. He was totally in love with it and could totally see himself living here but he also loved the mansion in the human realm, hell he had only been here for a little while and he already missed it and everyone in it.

He knew that some day he would move into the castle when it was his eldest child's turn but that wasn't for a long time and right now he couldn't wait to finish this stupid thing that was going on with the vampire realm and the demon realm and move on with his life.

He finally made his way back to Tharn who was in the war room talking to some of his cousins who were now not only princes but Tharn's advisors. The guards at the door to the war room bowed before they opened door. Everyone looked his way as he walked in, his guards took their position on each side of the doorway.

"You look different, you look-" Win said but then his eyes widened and turned to Tharn.

"You turned him?" He said shocked.

"Yes, we talked about it and Type more than me decided that we were going to do it." Tharn said making Type roll his eyes

"We both knew it was heading that way and I just sped up the process." Type said.

"Team is going to flip out" Win said.

"He will but it wasn't his choice, it was mine and I don't regret it." Type said.

"You seem to be handling your hunger very well." Korn said.

"Yeah, it's not as bad as I thought but then again I heard that something about the demon realm helps with it."

"I think I'll keep Team away from you for a bit when you come back just in case."

"You think I would hurt him" Type said a little offended.

"You wouldn't mean too, your hunger would take over the minute you saw him and you wouldn't be able to help yourself." Win said.

"You are such an asshole, you haven't given me a chance to prove that I can control myself, get the fuck out of my castle before I ripe you heart out." Type growled. Win growled back which he took as a challenge, he took a step towards him as his fangs descended but his eyes stayed his normal color.

"ENOUGH!!" Tharn yelled. "Win, go home and don't ever challenge my mate again or else it will be you and I fighting."

Win bowed to Tharn but not to Type before he opened a portal and stepped through it before it closed. Type's fangs ascended before he looked at Tharn.

"I understand both of your sides and if any of my cousin's mates were newly turned vampires I would be very hesitant to let them any where near you or our child but I wouldn't flat out tell them that like Win did." Tharn said.

"I would never hurt Team or his baby, I would rather die then do that." Type said.

"I know and I rather die then lose you."

"You guys make me sick with all this mushy stuff." Tin said.

"You are just jealous cause your dick isn't get sucked tonight." Type said making everyone minus Tharn stare at him in shock. Something about being a vampire has made him bolder which he thought was funny.

"Holy shit, someone got some dick" Pick said.

"Yes I did and it was amazing" Type said before moving to sit on Tharn's lap.

"Can I see your mark?" Korn asked. "I know Team and Win's are a heart with an eternity sign through it."

"It's not that" Type said before looking at Tharn who just nodded. Type grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it down to show his cresent moon and little moon while Tharn pulled his down to show his sun surrounding the crescent moon.

"That's cute, you are his sun and you are his moon." Nine said. Type released his collar as well as Tharn and theirs both went back to normal.

"He is definitely my sun and my everything." Type said.

"And you are definitely my moon and my everything." Tharn said before kissing his cheek.

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