Anyway back to the main story. I don't remember getting dressed but here I am on my way out the door fully dressed and ready to go. I checked my Samsung Galaxy mega 2 to see what time it was only to see it was 5:00. Right on time. The only reason I can afford this phone is because I do odd jobs on the side and stash away a little money when I get it to buy food and things like that. Sticking the phone in my baby Adidas book bag that I always were I start making my way upstairs to the packs kitchen. In there was my older brother of four years -Trell- cooking breakfast for the pack. Trell was maybe 6'3 with Carmela colored skin. He was most definitely blasian ( for those of you who don't know what blasian is it is Black and Asian.) with black hair that went just below the bottom of his back. he had a beauty mole just above his right cheek and a mustache and beard that all connected on his face.

"Hello older brother of mine." I sang walking in the kitchen and up to the fridge to grab some eggs. Opening up the fridge I reached for the eggs waiting for my brother reply. When he didn't answer i grabbed the eggs turned around and frowned.

"Whats wrong with you?" I questioned?

He turned and looked at me as I was reaching for one of the class bowls to whisk the eggs in. His face was set into a firm frown that was honestly the funniest thing to look at, and I would have laughed if it wasn't something bothering him.

"What's wrong bro?" I asked my voice lased with concern. Shit did he get in trouble with the Alpha? Or did he see something he wasn't supposed to? Or maybe he found his mate......and he's in this pack.

He kept opening and closing his mouth like he wanted to say something but couldn't get it out. Goodness what is wrong with him. After waiting on him to answer for like ever he finally got hi mouth to move.

"I....I found.......I found my mate Aja" He whispered using the nickname he gave me when we were kids. I was horrified.

"Who is it?" I whispered pulling him into a hug whispering words of comfort into his ear. I truly felt bad for him. That feeling of betrayal, hate, resentment, but also the feelings of love, arousal, happiness. It can all really take it's toll on someone.

"It's Andrey Johnson." He cryed even harder. By now we are already done maaking the food, cleaning the kitchen, and setting the table. It's know 6:30. Damn I'm late I bet moms really lonely and is wondering were I am. Then the name he says sinks into my brain and comes out my mouth.

" Yes and I really don't want him for a mate. What did I do wrong Aja? Did I make the moon goddess unhappy? What should I do" he cried even harder. He had big fat tears rolling down his face, What the fuck is wrong with him?

"What the fuck is Wrong with you Trell? Huh? You know damn well Nana didn't' raise you to be no punk. You need to figure out what you wanna do first of all. Okay? I don't care how you do it but you need to really think about weather you really want him as a mate or not. And if you find out that your answer is yes and you believed he can really take care of you then accept him and become the beta female and forget all about me, but if you think that he's not the one then you need to do the responsible thing and reject him. Because, if you try to grab on to something that ain't there full force you are gonna fall and theres a 99% chance that you are gonna die." I warned

I love that boy to much for him to just jump into that dosh bag Andrey arms only to be hurt. I was dead as serious when I told him to think HARD about what he wanted to do, because personally I don't think the boy can step up to the plate and be the man that Trell needs in his life's. I need Trell to be happy.

Trell glanced at me before laughing " You are so right I can't believe I lost my mind for a minute there. Ha ha that was so embarrassing." he sniffed a little before adding " and could you not tell Nana about this? She would kill me if she found out. I was just shocked that your brother was my mate."

I rolled my eyes at my older brother before answering " First off Andrey is not any kind of family to me non what so ever OK? and Second, No I wont tell Nana that would be harsh and you know she don't like nobody in this pack really so just imagine when you tell her who your mate is." I snicker out at him. I had to make sure I was there when he told he. Looking at my phone again the time is7:30. Oh my gosh, I'm so late. I make my way to my feet out of the kitchens chair and head out the back door toward the pack hospital. It's about a 15 to 20 minute walk to the Hospital. On the way there I was listening to "Dream Girls" sound track I absolutely love that movie. I was listening to "Jennifer Hudson- I'm not going" when the big white building came into view. I never really did like going in there, there was always this really weird pervert doctor that would hit on me. I walked into the building the giant sliding door parting as I got closer to the building allowing me to walk in. And, like satin himself is playing a trick on me Doctor Edward comes walking out of a near by room. He's looking at his keyboard there might still be hope. I start speed walking to the front desk with my head down praying to god that he dosn't smell me but, to my non existent luck he does and his head snaps up as he calls my name. I slowed down and sighed every single time does this guy ever have days off

"Hello cupcake how have you been?" asked Doctor Edward

"Hello Doctor fine and you?" I asked trying to be plight

"Well I have been well but, you know I could be better if you took up my offer and let me breed you Sweetness." Doctor Edwards said in what he thought was a sexy voice.

Your like thirty- nine and balding and i'm not even 18 yet you pedo-bear I thought to myself.

" I told you already Doctor Edward I'm waiting for my mate." I hissed through my teeth. This man really irks my nerves.

He walked closer to me making me tense slightly. What does he want now?

" You will have to come to me one day baby. Nobody can resist me for long." he whispered mouth next to my ear spitting.

"What ever helps you sleep at night ADAM." I whispered back walking around him to the front desk to sighing in. At the front desk sat a new nurse. Young maybe 19-21 and she looked pretty nice.

"Good morning sir" She greeted with the biggest smile on her face making me say good morning back and smile to. Her smile is contagious.

I get on the elevator and push the button with the 4 on it.

I pasiantly wait for the elevator to dig letting me know that we were on my floor and I was free to get off. Steping off the elevator I slowly make my way down the hall.






Room 421 my moms room I take a deep breath. I always Get nerves every single tme before I walk into her room. I don't know why but it's been happening for 3 years noew. I take another deep breath before I slowly made my way into her room

"HI, mom."


Thats Tatiana on the side or at the top depends.

Tell me how I did because I am realy nervese. Thank you everyone who reads and votes.

Please coment and tell me what I should chang and keep the same.

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