The Days taste microwaved juice [74]

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Author: User [scissors] asked if you guys can drink microwaved juice
and tell the audience your thoughts on it.

Macabre: " disgusting "

Unstable: " GOOD YES VERY GOOD "

Radiant: " Ah. yes very good....... "

Dynamic: " Not my type of jazz "

Practical: " this has a Unlikable taste. "

Benevolent: " something I would not use for my cakes that's for sure. Haha. "

Scary: " hell "

Sorrowful: " Not good.*sobs* "

Unpredictable: " I don't know how to feel about this it has a taste I can't expla- "

Emotionless: " good Enough. To replace water when I'm dehydrated."

Dreadful: " disappointing.."

Placid: " not good at all."

Great: " something I would not my morning coffee. "

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