Unstable turn into a cat? [45]

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The union decided it would be nice to go for a walk then stop by lake then this happened.

Unstable:*starts screaming at the lake*

Radiant: " it's okay unstable is just water "

Macabre: " huh. I wonder what's wrong with him. "

Unpredictable: " will he needs to learn how to face his fears. "

Unpredictable:*picks up unstable then slowly puts him into the water*

Unstable:*starts crawling on unpredictable arm then up to his head*

Unstable: " DON'T YOU DARE- "

Unpredictable: " GET HIM OFF ME GET- "

Radiant:*try's to pull unstable away from unpredictable face*

Scary:*runs behind a bush then pushes unstable into the water*

Scary: " there. problem solved. "

Unstable: " H- HE- HELP HELP ME HELP! "
They got unstable off the water then he looked like a pissed off cat
And unpredictable was cover with scratches

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