Christmas [97] [5]

150 2 6

[Dreadful]: " it's [TOO] crooked now. "

[Unpredictable]:" I [SWEAR] I'm going to [KNOCK] your hat [OFF]."

[Dreadful]:" I'm [NOT] wearing [ONE]. "

[Unpredictable]: " then the [THING] on your [NECK] "

[Dreadful]: " my [HEAD]? "

[Unpredictable]:" [YES]. "


[Radiant]:" [GOOD] job on the [TREE] everyone. "

[Everyone][ Just laying on the ground of exhausted]

[Great]:[Walks out tired form paper work]

[Great]: " what. Is [THIS]. "

[Radiant]: " A [TREE]. "

[Great]: " [OPERATIVE RADIANT_DAY] you had [PATROL]."

[Radiant]: " [AW] but- "

[Great]: " forget [IT]. "


[Otherworldly]: " Joyous what are you doing. "

[Joyous]: " What do you think. it's Christmas! "

[Otherworldly]: " you know our [NIGHT LEADER] isn't going to be happiest when we use our weapons as decorations. "

[Joyous]: " we had no Christmas decorations so this is what we came up with. "

[Otherworldly]:" [sighs] may I ask what did you put on the tree before you add the

[Joyous]:" The black liquid? It supposed protect the tree form the sun
And it works like glue. "

[Otherworldly]: " tha- "

[Merciless]: " this is stupid. "

[Horrid]: " what's going on. "

[Horrid]: " What have you Done. This is more horrid then my name. "

Joyous:"[NIGHT LEADER] your here! "

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