Fang's Marriage

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I sigh, having finally finished sending the last invitation, my kikaichu returning slowly at having completed their tasks.

Fang-sama is getting married... I am unsure on my reaction. On one hand, I congratulate him on his success in life. On the other, it will make my clan only that much more anxious to see me married too. Already, Hinata-san has two children, Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru-donos all have their own heirs, and Hana-dono has no need to, with Kiba-kun and his girlfriend on the path to marriage. I have simply not found the right partner in life yet.

Fang-sama's marriage will be soon. I will be a groomsman in it. He has told me that he does not even know the bride, which is strange. Even for a political marriage, the two intended should be tested for compatibility.

I suppose my opinion does not matter. If Uchiha-san truly wished to push Fang-sama and this girl into marriage, I must trust her judgement.

(The Fitting)

I lifted the cup out of Naruto-san's hands, frowning at him. "You do realize your rentals are not cheap, Naruto-san? Do be careful how you eat. I recommend waiting until you are dressed in personal clothing."

He pouted. "Aw, come on Shino! I'm starving!"

I looked at him, pushing my glasses up. "You have had five cups in the last hour alone. You will be fine for a few more minutes."

"And your slurping is annoying." Toshiro-san added, irritated.

"Aburame." Fang-sama called. "Where's Yuuta?"

"He is currently making sure his suit fits him as well. I must admit, these are not exactly in the best ratio of my body frame. My kikaichu are... uncomfortable. " He sighed. "I believe I will wear my own suit." I added, but the others were distracted by Yuuta-san's asking if the suit made his behind look large.


(The Bachelor Party)

"I still haven't met her..." Fang-sama groaned, slouching.

Kiba snickered, sitting next to the other Inuzuka. "I'm you'll be fine, Fang. If you mess up, she's not exactly the best shinobi, so you'll have time to kow-tow or make a run for it."

"Or you could just not marry her." I offered.

He stared at me. "Too late. I got forced into it and have already committed... Why didn't you help me out sooner, Aburame?"

"Partially because I was not aware it was serious, and partially because I enjoyed your suffering." I replied.

Kiba burst into laughter. "I know Shino's got my back in a fight, but if it's not life and death, and if it won't affect him, he'll just watch you suffer. Trust me, I would know."

Shikamaru-dono groaned. "Quiet down, guys. I'm trying to take a nap here..."

Toshiro-san looked over from where he was talking to his father and Obito-san. "It's Fang's last day as a free man. Let him enjoy it."

Hikari-san, Namikaze-san, and Hajime-san looked over at us, chuckling at Fang's face.

Tachi-san, Uchiha-dono, Yakushi-san, and Hozuki-san ignored us, intent on their conversation.

Lee-san ran over to us from where he was talking to Naruto-san. "Rejoice, Fang-san! It is the pinnacle of your youth! You have the opportunity to have a flowering romance with your very own bride!"

Everyone in earshot sweatdropped.

"Lee, come back! You were going to tell me how you almost got Sakura-chan to go on a date with you!" Naruto-san yelled.

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