"Are you ready Candy?"

"I guess... I'll have the lasana"

For $15.00 it better be good I thought

"And I'll have the spaghetti with meatballs"

"Alright, I'll get your starter to you"

she took the menus and when she left I took a drink of the wine

"Are you sure your ok Candy?"

"Nothing's wrong..."

"Something's wrong, tell me" he said sweetly

"Don't get me wrong I love that you're taking me out and everything but don't you think that this is a little extreme, $15 and plus for food"

"That's what happens when the food is delicious"

"How do you know? You've eaten here before?"

"No..." he said a little uneasily, "I read the reviews"

Lair I thought


"What?" I snapped

"What's your problem? You haven't been yourself...Nick and even Aaron have noticed"

"I'm just stressed out, we've got our wedding coming up and we're traveling non-stop, so I'm tired and I had to see my dad for a brief second"

We talked for 25 more minutes and then our food came. By that time I had calmed down and I was back to my normal self. The food was delicious, even Zak's. When we were done Zak paid for the whole dinner, even though I wanted to help, it was about $95.00. We then left Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare and went back to my place.

"Did you have a good time?" Zak asked as he helped me out of the car

"Yeah, now Zak can you promise me one thing?"

"What's that?" he asked as we made it to the door and I unlocked it

"No over priced food until after the wedding"

"Alright, I'll try"

and as soon as we were inside I took off the shoes, they were killing my feet. We sat on the couch and watched T.V. About 10 minutes into 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader?' Zak said

"Candy, we're leaving in a couple of days for another location"

"We just got back"

"I know"

I then layed down on the couch

"Where are we going?"

"Well..." he started, "Me, Nick, and Aaron are going back to Bobby Mackey's"

We're going to Bobby Mackey's...Wait he didn't say me I thought

"And I'm not going because?..."

"It's a dangerous place and I don't want anything happening to you"

"Zak then why am I on this team if I don't get to go on this location?"

"I just told you, I don't want anything happening to you, this is the only one you miss"

"But I want to go"

"No" he said sternly


I then put my feet on his lap and he started rubbing my swore and slightly swollen feet.

"I think you need to stop wearing high-heels for a couple of days, you're feet are swollen"

"I always where high-heels, so why are my feet swelling now?"

Zak just shrugged

then my phone started ringing. I picked it up 'Morgan' I sighed and answered it


"Hey sis, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just tired and thank you guys for fixing up the house"

"Not a problem...Oh I left you a little something for you"

"You did?"

"Yeah, it's in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom"

I got up and went to the bathroom and opened my medicine cabinet

"Why?" I asked disgusted when I took out a small box

"There's been things floating on Twitter about you and Zak"


"Yeah, some of the fan girls are saying that you're having his baby or something along those lines"

"And what makes you think that I'm having his baby?"

Ooo that came out wrong I thought

"What I meant was we're not having one right now, our schedule is so hectic right now that there's no time for a baby"

"I get it sis, well I've got to go the kids are fighting, I'll talk to you later"

"Aright, bye Morgan"


we then hung up

I wonder if I am, maybe that's why I'm so emotional I thought

then there was a knock on the door and I put the little box back and opened the bathroom door

"What's up?" I asked

"Just wondering if you were ready for bed, it's a quarter till midnight"

"Yeah, I'll be in there here in a sec"

he then went off to my room. I looked at the cabinet again and then shut the light off and went to my room. I went to my dresser and got a t-shirt and some shorts and put them on and then crawled into bed. Zak got in next to me and pulled me close to him. I sighed contently and closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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