Power I

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Power I

The first half of Cassiopeia's second year.


YALL ITS FINALLY DONE (even if its just the first half...) This took forever, but I had a lot of fun writing it. I just started my freshman year and omg hs is hard. check me out at my tumblr @tom-riddles-horcrux. I post mainly hp content there. Send me asks or prompts too! I'll totally answer them. I also have like fifty incorrect quotes for this series saved in my drafts, so I'll get around to posting those, too. The second half of this year will be out by who knows when just know that it IS coming. I have this story planned out until fifth year, so I won't be stopping.


(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Cassy's summer started out pretty terrible, considering the fact that she was living with the Durselys and all, and also the fact that she hadn't gotten any mail from her friends since that first letter from the Malfoy family, but it only got worse. Predictable, really, considering her life so far.

She'd been in her room (pretending she didn't exist) when some... creature had popped into existence right in the middle of her room. Cassy was so, so glad she hadn't screamed in shock.

"What... What? Why are you here? What are you?" Cassy stuttered out, her mouth moving too fast for her brain.

"Miss Potter! Oh, how Dobby has longed to meet you! Dobby is so very lucky!"

"Who on earth is Dobby?" Cassy asked, her voice harsher than she intended.

"I's is Dobby, miss. Dobby the house-elf."

House-elf? Cassiopeia thought she recalled Daphne mentioned something about them when she had asked where the food at Hogwarts came from. They were servants. Cassy just hadn't expected them to look so... scraggly.

"Er- hello, Dobby. It's..." Cassiopeia thought of what she could say to get the creature - Dobby - to stop being so loud, "A pleasure to meet you of course, but I need you to speak quieter. There are guests over, and you can't risk disturbing them." That sounded snobby enough, right?

"Oh yes, of course, Miss Potter. Dobby had not meant to disturb. Dobby is here for a very important reason."

"A reason? What is it?"

"Oh, yes, miss," suddenly, he averted his gaze, wringing his hands, "It is very difficult, miss. Dobby wonders where to begin..."

Cassy knelt to his level (which, embarrassingly, wasn't much shorter than her,) and stared into his tennis ball shaped eyes, "Dobby, if you aren't going to say anything, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I could get in a lot of trouble because you're here. You don't want me to get in trouble, do you?"

"Of course not, Miss Potter. Dobby would never want Miss Potter to be in trouble!" Cassiopeia's eyes softened at his earnestness, "That is why Dobby is here. Dobby wants to protect Miss Potter..."

"Protect? Dobby, what are you protecting me from?"

"Cassiopeia Potter mustn't be returning to Hogwarts!" Dobby shouted, before freezing when he remembered he was supposed to be quiet, "Dobby is sorry, Miss Potter. Dobby is a bad elf!" He pulled on his large floppy ears, using them to cover his face.

Cassy frowned, it looked like he was hurting himself, "Dobby, stop that. It's alright. Why can't I go back to Hogwarts?" No matter what Dobby said, Cassiopeia had every intention of returning to the school. It couldn't be much worse than the actual Lord Voldemort attacking her.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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