Unrequited Love

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It is 5:00 in the morning of  February 2013 and I was a young boy studying in grade 8,  though it is winter I could sense the warm beams of sun from the distant horizon.

In between all these thoughts I am late again , it is my third time.

" Can you just stand near the door and do 50 sit ups" my mathematic teacher growled.

"What?, How can he be so cruel" I thought in my mind.

In the midst of my punishment I saw one cute face, chuckling over the corner. My face turned to glowing magma red from darkened doomed sky. Ah! My heart skipped a beat, I am totally mesmerized, encapsulated by her aurora of attraction.

"Hey!!, Go back to your sit now"
Again he grumbled.

My maths teacher, best of all. If there is any novel prizes for beating students he would be hanging a medal of it. Weekly test and beating, monthly test and beating. I never imagined how my bums would look after his 25 sticks.

Later I came to know that the new girl  is from Sarpang, her parents got transferred recently so she too changed her school.

Months passed, and midterm exam was near our door step. Everybody is busy : asking doubts, solving questions, writing last bits of assignments and I was at the corner still in the fantasy of her.

By now I have become a good friend of her. We talk lots with shy smiles and expressive eyes. I came to know more about her and her name is  Aayuga.

It was last day of our exam and we were all excited to go home. But to my surprise I got a small written piece from her through her friend Sujana. I quickly opened it and saw beautifully written " Can I have your phone number". My hear skipped a beat again. I hurriedly scribbled my phone number and returned back the paper.

It is our midterm break now. I had no plans like rich kids to go and take tution or travel. I just had to help my parents back at home.

It not even a week, I started to miss her smile. Those shy looks which used to glow my heart and brighten my day.
But one day my phone beeped, I got text message "Hi, how are you doing , it is me your friend Aayuga" Wow! My heart skipped a beat again. Being a man it feels so special to get text from a girl, that aslo to whom I have started   love secretely.

With so much excitement I texted back " After all this day only you remembered?" With smile on my face I texted again" how are you doing?".

In those days we never had Facebook or other cheap way of chatting. So we had to text spending some 50 chettrum for each message. That was amazing, more pages we write more the money the would deduct. So we used to write lots of short cuts, in place of you it is just u, for tomorrow it is tmrw and so on.

Life went by holidays too ended soon. I was very happy to return back at school just to see her glowing face.

The classed resumed, everyone was looking fresh and energetic to start for the sessions.

One day I was just sitting on my desk of the last corner  it was our free day as all the teachers were busy for a meeting. I was scribbling on the last page of my English notebook. I was very fond of writing poems and everyone used to encourage for my writings.

From the last Bench

I am lost into the wind of your thought
Completely engulfed by your kindness
And lost in the world of your love.

From the last Bench
I see you everyday
I feel the love that flows towards  you.

Someday it shall flow from you too
Making this lad your special one
Shaking the world around me.

From the last Bench I wish
I could tell you all this
And confess the love of mine.

Days passed and months. I never knew that my feelings for her would grow this much. I always loved her simplicity, the charming smile of hers.

How soon the end came too close. We were already doing our class 10 final exam.

This time when the last exam finished there was no letter. Everyone were just confused and afraid of their exams. Soon we were out of school, and months passed, and I was still unable to confess my love to her. She was very close to me perhaps too close to my heart which would give a glow of love.

Later result came, I qualified for further studies but she couldn't make it out. Gradually our contact lost, neither I could confess nor she could.

We shared a beautiful memory and my unrequited love too ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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