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It was in grade six I had my first crush upon a girl. She was pretty young girl who would make anyone to stare at her no reason. Her beauty is beyound earth and the sky. Hervoluptuous black-haired would look fabalous when she trand it over her ears.

There wasn't any single day that I didn't steal her look. My day would be incomplete if I don't see her, even in the crowd I would always search for her. Looking at her would give me an extra assurance that my day would go better.
Some people says that we would find ours loved ones through the crowd or amongst the thickest or thinnest of times. Ours heart gives instinct about the presence of them.

People don't realize that the thread of love between two person exists, it is connected between two of them which would give an aurora of love and radiance of their presence.

Life was all better for a young boy. At those times I used to be class topper and everybody would appreciate me, but there was a taboo at that time. Intelligent and the people who are sound in academic should not be into relationship. I still don't understand why?. What is wrong into getting bumped to someone that would give us eternal glory.

The year passed into a stare game. I would stare to her but she won't notice the beat of my heart. How could she even, I never confessed my feelings to her. Just like dust of cloud vanishing over the darkened horizon my feelings quickly vanished. All I got was a lesson of expectation, the love that would never be mine.

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