Breaking my Back

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All the work that they force me to do, all the chores and the meals and the sweeping and the bending, it breaks my heart more than it breaks my back. I think I'm making myself ill with all this business, my arms constantly feeling too heavy to lift up themselves, let alone a heavy broom. My head has turned to to liquid, a heavy pressure making it ache. My eyes are dry and itchy and the weight of them seems toomuch to bear.

But still I go on.

I'm spurred by little moments in the day. Some sunshine. Kat waving hello to me when she saw me. Ben and I leaving letters for each other under his fallen-off bed knob. I never see much of him, only breathe in his words, as I take the loose weight from his bed when I'm cleaning his dorm, steal the letter and replace it with my own. His words make my heart swell, and little by little I get to know him more in what he reveals to me. It is these moments that keep me going. I would've dropped a long time ago if I hadn't have found any companionship here.

I find myself at the Academy every evening. It's one of my last jobs, sweeping the floors, though it may be the hardest job of them all, requiring me to trail to all nooks and crannies of the building sweeping up dust from the students shoes and anything else that they have accumulated. Everyday I have the same though of how pointless it all is if my hard work is only going to be ruined by rushing feet the next day.

The corridors are usually eerily empty, but not tonight, because suddenly I hear voices and I turn to see Christian, Kat and Sammy walking down the corridor. They stop their conversation mid-flow when they see me, but Kat is the first to rush up to me.
"Oh Tara! I haven't seen you for ages!"
"Hello, Kat." I chuckle, pleased that she seems so happy to me.
"What are you doing here so late?" She asks me.
"I'm working."
"Still!" She glances at the clock beside me. "It's almost nine o'clock."
"Yes." I sigh. "Working hours are from 6 am to 9 pm."
"That's horrific." Kat shakes her head in disapproval. She turns to face Sammy who had slowly began edging his way towards us. "Isn't it inhumane, Sammy?"
He nods his head in agreement. "What do you do in all that time?"
"Many things." I say vaguely. "But it's safe to assume that without me, the Academy wouldn't run quite so smoothly."
"I can believe that." Christian interjects, meeting us at the centre of the corridor. I haven't seen him since the time I got us both into trouble, but his neutral expression on his face and the compliment he just gave me eases my nerves.
"Have you two met?" Kat enquires.
I wait for Christian to speak, but he doesn't, giving me room to talk. They're all waiting on my words, and it's nice to feel valued for once.
"We met once. Christian was my first acquaintance, and it didn't end well. It ended up with us both getting in trouble with Ms Raine due to my mouth that won't stop talking." I explain to Sammy and Kat. I then turn just to Christian.
"I never apologised for that, Christian. I'm truly sorry."
"I accept your apology." He smiles at me, and I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "People got used to me anyway, and my treatment improved. Maybe it was due to your brash words."
"I hope some good came from them."
The air feels good between us. It feels like we're friends.
"So, are you walking back to the boarding house with us?" Sammy asks. "We would love your company."
"No, I'm afraid." I sigh. "I've got sweeping to do."
"All of this by yourself? Certainly not! We'll help you." Kat offers.
"You really don't have to! I am fine with doing this, it's my job." I protest.
"Nonsense." Kat takes my broom from me and ushers me to the wall to sit down. As soon as I do, the tiredness sweeps through my body and I slump into myself and I know that this job seems too impossible to do, and it seems too impossible to refuse Kat's request to rest. I watch the three of them zoom round the corridor, laughing and joking, making a dance out of the simplest of things. It makes me feel warm that they were willing to do what they consider the simplest thing, but for me is a monumental relief. They don't really have any idea what a massive aid they have given me. I'm filled with sadness that these wonderful, talented and kind people won't get a chance to have the spotlight for the Academy's very first show, because Grace has been rewarded the role out of her relationship with Ms Raine. They each deserve to be rewarded for their kindness.

Friends, I think to myself, and then smile. These are my friends.

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