The Star of the Studio

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Who knew what a difference one staff member could make? We’re overwhelmed in the kitchen, and the scene is a mess. The heat is rising, water is over boiling, and the same could be used to describe Ms Abney. She's all over the place, screaming at me to hurry, and the staff that came to help isn’t really helping at all. To be completely honest, I like the rush, like the stress, as it distracts me from how mind numbingly boring my life had become. As the breakfast rush screeches to a halt and the plates are served, I release an immense sigh, shamefully caught by Ms Abney. I’d been trying to keep my head down after my outburst with Ms Raine (in which I managed to outrage my mistress and lose my only friend here, excellent work Tara) I’d been trying to perfect the model of the perfect staff member, but it was increasingly difficult. 

"I heard that, Tara." Ms Abney snaps. "And what are still you doing here? There are bedrooms to be tidied" 

She sweeps off, tucking a lose piece of hair behind her ear. I want to mimic her words 'tidy ourselves and tidy this house' whenever she sees me looking less than presentable, but if I did I would lose my job, and evermore, she's clutching a knife. I value my life more than my deep satisfaction of getting back at her, so I hurry along to the bedrooms, my moves seemingly too rehearsed and efficient. I'm just back in the kitchen when I almost collide with Ms Abney, and the two hours since we've last seen each other unfortunately hasn't given her any chance to cool down. 

"Tara!" She shouts. 

"I've finished, Madame." I tell her quickly. 

"Speak when you're spoken to, Tara." She frowns, but she doesn't seem angry, just immensely tired. Me too, I think. 

"Sorry, Madame."

"Molly is sick today, as you evidently know. Ordered by the doctor to remain on bed rest" She tells me. "Consequently, you must assist with her duties." 

I know to show my understanding before I remember that it's simply not valued here, that I must call everyone who I pass names that are not their names, but Ms Abney is too busy to realise. She hands me a bucket.

"There are mirrors to be cleaning at the Academy. Wipe them over..."

Her voice drowns out as my excitement takes over, the blood rushing to my ears. Students! Maybe I'll even have time to talk to Christian, to apologise and explain. I have seen him again a few times, but only fleetingly, as if he was trying to avoid me. 

"Tara!" Ms Abney calls me again. 

"Sorry, Madame."

"Well, any fool can clean mirrors. I want you back by the hour" 

"Certainly, Madame." I say. 

"Its studio B you're doing, the biggest one."

I've barley time to answer her with a ‘Madame’ before she's gone again, tying her apron strings tighter around her. I don't need to be told twice, and excitedly make my way out of the boarding house into the Academy. It's grown since I first arrived, with a few more students arriving, lugging their great trunks with all their precious possessions in the past few weeks. I can feel the halls practically buzz with life as I walk through them, and hear a strong piano rhythm muffled by the wall next to me. Studio A has a class, but I've scarcely time to peer through the windows until I hear voices coming from studio B. The voice of students! I hear a laugh, and cautiously enter the room. There's a mix, boys and girls, all my age clustered in a small group. I search for him, but Christian is not one of them. I watch a blonde girl do 1, 2, 3 turns at once, finishing with a flourish. She looks effortlessly graceful, and as she spins her green skirt swishes around her, stopping just below her knees. It's the shortest skirt I've ever seen, but they're ballet dancers, I assume people want to see their lines and such, see their beautiful movements being performed. They seem to notice me hovering in the doorway, as the blonde girl turns to me. 

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