Chapter 38 (Final)

Start from the beginning

"You're right, I'm sorry"-I said finally calming down from laughing 

"Mhmm"-Yn said 

"I went to Chanel's house this morning"-I said 

"Did you fianlly talk to her about Xavier ?"-Yn said excitedly and she turned to face me

"Yeah, we had finally agreed on getting a DNA test so se said that she would be booking an appointment soon"-I said

 "Yes ! That is great "-Yn cheesed and I couldn't help but to smile back 

"Yeah so what you cooking ?"-I asked sniffing in all the good aroma in the kitchen

"Mac&cheese with fired chicken & some collard greens"-Yn laughed as she saw my reaction after she said collard greens

"Man, you know that I hate collard greens "-I scoffed 

"Who said that the food was for you anyways ?"-Yn laughed and continued to cook 

"Well damn wanna keep a nigga starving and shit"-I mumbled

"What did I tell you about cursing "-Yn gave me a death glare 

"I'm sorry, I'll remeber next time"-I said 

"You better"-Yn said 

"So you really not gonna feed me ?"-I asked 

"I think that you got money to buy your own food right ?"-Yn smirked 

"I'm broke I just came out of jail bruh"-I said 

"Mhmm"-Yn said 

"Really ?"-I asked 

"I'm joking fool ! The food is for us and I like my greens thats why I'm cooking them as well duh"-Yn said 

"Alright.. I still don't know how you could like them little devil things "-I said

"Well they are healthy and I've liked them since I was little so yeah. Leave me alone"-Yn said 

"Alright.. I'll be iin the next room wiith Ari"-I said and left Yn to finish cooking 

End of Chresanto's P.O.V

Later On That Evening 

Chres and Yn had both just finished getting out of the shower and now they were getting dressed .

"Give me my panties"-Yn tried to grab for them but unfortunately she was too short 

"Only if you can reach"-Chres smirked dangling Yn's panties up in the air

"I ain't playing with you come on"-Yn stomped around like a little child

"Damn all that ass though aha"-Chresanto laughed 

"I'll shave your head bold in the middle of the night"-Yn raised her eyebrow 

"Here"-Chres handed Yn her panties quick asf 

"Thats what I thought"-Yn snatched her panties and placed them on 

"I don't even know why you put them on because you about to take them off soon anyways"-Chresanto smirked

"Wait wha-"-Yn got cut off

Chresanto pinned Yn down quickly all in a very swift motion.

Yn's P.O.V

As Chresanto pinned me down, I stared deep into his eyes and all I saw was pure lust plus I felt his manhood through his towel that was wrapped around his waist. I knew exactly what he wanted. and that was Me.

A Few Hours Later 

After the great sex, Chresanto & I went to go and take another shower together and have another few rounds in the shower then after we finished drying off, lotioning and getting dressedagain we were just talking about life and things like that until one topic popped up

"Would you like to have another ababy with me ?"-Chresanto asked

"Yeah.. Why ?"-I asked and turned to look at him 

"I never pulled out"-Chresanto smiled cheekily 

"You thought that I would have been mad ?"-I asked sitting up a little confused 

"Yeah.. Well I guess. Normally girls get mad and I thought that maybe you wouldn't want a babay because of you know what happened"-Chres said 

"It's all good. I think that I am ready for another one now anyways "-I smiled 

"Good"-Chres smiled too

After a few moments in silence, we heard the doorbell ring soo many times and loud banging on the door which made me a bit worried. Chres looked at me then listened closely to still hear the continuous banging and ringing of the doorbell .

Chres grabbed a baseball bat and went downstairs slowly as I followed quietly behind him . He opened the door to see..

"Chanel ?! What are you doing here at this type of night ?"-Chres asked a little shocked looking at Xavier who was crying 

"Chresanto .. My brother died ! He got murdered ! Raheem got murdered !"-She bawled out her eyes still holding Xavier 

"Oh my goodness"-I whispered as I held onto Chresanto tightly 

"Shh, come in it's alright! Everything is going to be just fine"-Chresanto said 

Chanel walked in the house and Chresanto took Xavier from her so that she could calm down a little.

"Chanel imma need you to calm down seriously and explain everything that happened"-Chres sat on the couch and I sat next to him 

"I was at home just as I had finished putting Xavier to sleep, there was a knocking at the door I went to go and open it and it was the police there explained that Raheem got shot and killed a day ago thats why he never came home and they could identify the body properly at that moment thats why they didn't come and report it back earlier ! I told him to be careful on the streets Chresanto, he never listened now look what happened ! I knew that something would happen, I just felt it and thats why i was soo upset the night that he left ! I was just trying to protect him like how my mom did"-Chanel explained as a few tears sliped out 

"You guys are definately staying over and I promise you, we will get everything sorted out from tomorrow because I know how much your bro meant to you Chanel okay ? Everything is going to be fine "-Chresanto reassured her 

"No it wont"-Chanel shook her head 

"Yes it will now Yn please go and show her her room while I calm down and put Xavier in bed"-Chresanto said 

"Okay"-I nodded

I went to go and show Chanel her room while Chres put Xavier to sleep. After all of that Chres and I went to bed ourselves but i couldn't sleep because of everything that had happened tonight.

"Chres"-I asked

"Yeah ?"-He answered sleepily 

"I'm so proud of you"-I said

"What ? Why ?"-Chres asked as he faced me 

"Everything that happened today. Letting Chanel stay instead of pushing her away"-I said 

"Well I had to, I mean I couldn't just push her away even though I hated her bro do much I know that I couldn't push Chanel away like that. She feels very strong about her bro so yeah. I mean it's the most that I could do"-Chres explained 

"You're the best"-I smiled 

"I love you"-Chresanto said 

"I love you too"-I drifted off into sleep 

The End.

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