Happy Birthday (Levi x Reader)

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 It was a snowy day, icicles formed along the buildings around HQ. People were running around, scurrying to clean the place before Captain Levi awakened preparing for the joyous day.

                It was his birthday, December 25th, also known as Christmas. You giggled nervously and walked towards the kitchen to prepare some earl grey for the Captain, also known as your husband.

                “Morning (Y/N)!” Jean called out as you waved and smiled at everyone. You had a blanket wrapped around your body as you made your way to the kitchen. Since it was Levi’s birthday you tried to make no noise. Even if that meant going and not getting dressed. You tightened your grip around the blanket which hid your (F/C) Pajamas underneath.

                “Good morning Mikasa.” You spoke to the dark headed female who had a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. She just simply nodded as you made your way over to the tea cabinet reserved just for the Captain.

                “Levi’s morning tea I presume?” you quickly turned to see the commander, rushing into a salute the blanket around your body fell to the ground. Your face quickly blushed a scarlet.

                “Yes sir! I apologize, I was ju-“

                “At ease squad leader (Y/N)” he simply cut you off, turning to the counter mixing cream into what you assumed his morning coffee. Quickly you grabbed your blanket and wrapped it around your body in embarrassment.

                Oh how I wish I was a burrito at this moment…

                You quickly put some water in a kettle and onto the makeshift oven you had at headquarters ignoring the embarrassing encounter. Glancing at the clock you noticed you had around 30 minutes till Levi would wake up. Giggling you pulled out a tray and quickly pulled out the secret stash of croissants from the bakery in wall Sina. It had cost a pretty penny but you believed it would cause Levi to smile. Along with the croissants you had bought some tarts with blueberries just so Levi could have something special for his birthday.

                “(Y/N)! How dare you hide those from me!” the loud brunette’s voice was quavering. You glanced at her raising your eyebrow.  As if hurt had become on her being, your eyes bore into her brown ones and she started to giggle.

                “I apologize Ma’am. I smelled sweets so I came to investigate.”

                “It’s fine Sasha I know you aren’t used to my new position yet.” You chuckled at this thought. You had only been a Squad Leader for a few months now but your friends still called you by your normal name. Levi always corrected them though since it was a formality in the military. A whistle soon interrupted your thoughts, and you realized it was from the teakettle you had set on the oven. Quickly grabbing a towel you wrapped it around the metal handle.

                While you poured it into the mug you had pulled out, you realized it was rather quiet for a morning in the corps. You shrugged it off and continued to prepare Levi’s tea for him. Setting it down on the counter you froze as a voice echoed from the doorway.

                “What are you doing brat.”

                Your (e/c) eyes shot up only to meet the view of steel grey ones. You stepped backwards surprised, thankfully you had set the kettle down just a moment before because you stumbled onto the ground.

                “Le-Lev-Levi!!!” you raised your voice in an accusing manner. You glanced at the clock and realized you still had 10 minutes. “You’re supposed to be in bed!” you continued rambling until you realized he was in his pajamas.

Humanities Strongest Soldier. In Pajamas.

You tried to hold back a laugh that was bubbling in your throat.

“Oy, what’s this?” he was glancing over to the breakfast tray you were preparing for him. You quickly jumped up and covered his eyes with your (hand size) hands. Glancing at the tray and back to him you quickly pushed him towards the door.

“Nothing” you stuttered. The last thing you needed was him spoiling the surprise.

“(Y/N), I swear…” he spoke in a commanding tone and grabbed your wrists. Prying your hands off of him he strode over to the tray and looked back at you questioningly. His facial expression soon returned to the usual face that remained the same, impassive. “…is this for me?”

You nodded, fixing the blanket you wrapped around your figure, you then glared at him from the floor.

“It was supposed to be a surprise.” You pouted, only to be met by nothing.

“Well I am surprised.” Your eyes widened as he spoke. You stood there as he picked up the tray and walked out of the kitchen. Mouth was agape as he did so, soon you stumbled after him past all the cadets that seemed to be in shock. Then you realized he was going to the room you both shared.

Making your way to the room you shared, you peeked in only to see him sitting on the bed munching away at the tray. You slowly entered the room and your blanket fell from around your shoulders but still remained around your figure.

“Thank you.” His voice was soft like a melody. Looking at his figure on the bed wiping his mouth, you realized he had eaten only a bit of the food. You made your way over to him, hobbling in a way since you were wrapped up in a blanket. You sat next to him and were suddenly in an embrace.

“Levi, are you okay?” You rested your hand on his back as you melted into his embrace.


“Why so blunt?”

“Shut up brat…”

“Nah, that would be boring”

“You know I love you”

“Ha-ha I love you too.”

“Now hurry up, we have some time to kill since the other brats are busy. Meet me in the shower?”

“No you pervert.”

“Please, it’s my birthday?”

“Ugh fine.”

Levi x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now