𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. start a war

Start from the beginning

  Even though she hadn't managed to pry whatever task he was doing out of him ( he would grow quiet and closed-off whenever she brought it up ), he seemed a lot less stressed about it come fourth week of May. Actually, he seemed happy come fourth week of May.

  "What's got you so jolly?" Meredith had snorted, taking a big bite of her breakfast. Draco had suddenly transformed from his sullen, dull, greying, self overnight into this slightly perkier, more fifth-year version of himself. Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne had morning classes so it was merely the two of them having a late breakfast.

  "Nothing." He had sobered up, realising that he may have been revealing too much, "Just...glad that we're alright again." That may have been a sweet thought if Meredith wasn't a hundred percent sure that he was keeping something important from her.

  "Ouch! It got my eyebrow!" Daphne groaned as she hurriedly patted her singed brow which was caught in the aftermath of a game of Exploding Snap. Pansy snickered at her demise. Blaise snorted, grinning smugly at his victory, as he expertly reshuffled the deck. The blonde huffed, swished her wand, and her eyebrow was instantly returned to normal.

  Although exams were quickly approaching, Meredith felt the need to de-stress, and hence, Blaise had suggested a game of Exploding Snap in the common room. It was a nice distraction from the tension that had been building up in the castle, on the precipice of bursting, and it was a good chance for her to catch up with her friends before it all went down. Meredith may not have known exactly what Draco was doing but he could feel their story reaching its end, the world coming to a halt.

  Much to the displeasure of the other students who were busy preparing for the oncoming exams, the three had played maybe six games of Exploding Snap already, shrieking and giggling as the cards combusted in their hands. It was getting dark outside now, a blanket of stars spreading across the valleys and hills.

  "That's what you get for being slow." Pansy crooned in a singsong voice, tucking a throw pillow against her chest. When the rift between Draco and Meredith mended, Pansy had made the executive decision that she was friends with Meredith again, so they were back to casually hanging out again. Never mind the fact that she had invited herself to join the game.

  "Want to play another game? I bet" Blaise was about to poke fun at Daphne's seemingly never ending losing streak, or insult Pansy in some way, but they were interrupted by a curt but desperate voice.

  "Meredith." It called out urgently, and the said girl sighed as she turned around to face the blond. The other three's joking laughter and quips fell silent as they watched the two. Draco was standing stiffly by the armchair he liked to drape himself over, staring imploringly at Meredith.

  "What is it now?" She pursed her lips. She had the creeping feeling that nothing good would come out of this. That this was it: the end.

  "Come with me." He demanded, fiddling with the hems of his black blazer.

  Meredith scrambled to her feet, concern in her eyes. It was suddenly as if they were wrapped in their own little bubble of silence, all conversation and laughter falling deaf to their ears. Just Draco and Meredith. She met his eyes, blood pounding in her ears.

  Please, they begged. He stretched out an arm.

  She hardly gave a glance to her friends as she walked over to him, taking his hand. Desperation and fear clouded his eyes.

  I promised you that I'll be here. That we'll be safe.

  And she didn't intend on breaking it this time.

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎, 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now