
6 4 3

The night is sweet and calm,
But soon restlessness envelops me.
As I sit by the smokey window,
My monsters are set free.

I no longer feel placid,
As emptiness fills my mind;
An unknown pain piercing through my skin,
Voidness had crept me following all the way behind.

I stare at the ceiling lifelessly,
Reason for my sadness still unknown;
Tears roll down my cheeks,
The seeds of emptiness hasn't already been sown.

The glow on my cheeks vanished in thin year,
My smile was just a matter of past the past;
As depression tightened its grip on me,
I knew that the spell has been cast.

Thank you for reading this poem ♡
I hope you enjoyed reading (・´з'・)

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Also how are you all doing?
I'm doing great tbh 😂💖
I went to school to submit my notes and assignments and now my exams are going on 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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